For Pacific island Members, the economic, social, and environmental costs of climate change and disasters are high and forecast to increase. As coordinator for climate change action in the region, SPREP continues to lead the region’s response to climate impacts.

As host of the Pacific Climate Change Centre, SPREP will deliver on its mandate as coordinator of Pacific climate change action.  The PCCC is established with support from the Government of Japan in partnership with the Government of Samoa.

SPREP promotes integration of climate change adaptation and disaster risk management through capacity building and within an ecosystem based approach.

SPREP is a key conduit for our Members to make effective use of the UNFCCC and Conference of the Parties processes, the Paris Agreement, and other global climate initiatives. At the regional level, SPREP promotes the Framework on Resilient Development in the Pacific: An Integrated Approach to Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management (FRDP) to guide our collaborative approach with regional organisations, donors, and the United Nations to strengthen resilience to climate change.

Increasing the access to climate change finance is a high priority for Pacific island Members and SPREP will support Members through its role as an accredited entity to the Adaptation Fund and the Green Climate Fund and through other sources. As a Regional Implementing Entity for the Adaptation Fund, Green Climate Fund and via other financing mechanisms, SPREP is able to maximise access to and leverage climate finance for Members.

The establishment of the Pacific Meteorological Council has resulted in significantly increased support for National Meteorological Services since 2011. SPREP hosts the regional office of the World Meteorological Organization, making the Secretariat the regional hub for meteorological services.  The PCCC will enable SPREP to further enhance its meteorological support to Members.