No Surname FirstName Title Location Classification Year Published

772 Boyes G.W Maritime zones & boundaries: final report December 2000 SOPAC

273 Bradshaw Ket Niue Forestry Project-Monitoring Visit report FO-DAFF

176 Brady Patrick Observation of Vanilla Production in Tonga;Potential of US EPDU

Gourmet Market

295 Brady P. Investigation of the Suitability of various selected tomato FO-DAFF

varieties at Vaipapahi Research Farm, Niue Island

296 Brady P. Investigation of the Suitability of various selected tomato FO-DAFF

varietires during the Hot Season at Vaipapahi Research

294 Brady Patrick Vegetable Research on Niue Island: 1995-1997 FO-DAFF

505 Brenchley J. Jottings during the Cruise of HMS "Curacao" Among the NA

South Sea Islands in 1865

320 Brodie J.W. Niue Island provisional bathymetry, Island Series, 1:200 000 American Samoa BRO

774 Brodie J. E Well-water South Pacific Island states SOPAC

241 Brooke Anne P The Status of the Peka on Niue, Population Survey of the ENV, SPREP VF 5718 (SPREP)

Flying Fox, Pteropus tonganus

365 Brooke Anne P. Threats from overhunting to the flying fox, Pteropus ENV, SPREP VF 4845 (SPREP)

tonganus, (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) on Niue Island, South

Pacific Ocean -Biological Conservation 103 (2002) 343 348

1152 Brown J.E. Times are changing on Niue but the population doesn't grow National Library of New BIB ID: 7724806


961 Bryan David George Forest development, Niue : land acquisition for timber supply National Library of New BIB ID: 7725123

and the development of forest management programmes Zealand

1085 Bryan D. Report on aerial photographic covergae of Niue island National Library of New BIB ID: 7725040


973 Buck Peter Henry Introduction to Polynesian anthropology National Library of New BIB ID: 3778182


749 Burke E Water and Sanitation project visit to Niue April 1995 SOPAC

966 Burrowes David John ILO prospects : guidelines for further private sector National Library of New BIB ID: 7725865


29 Burrowes David Human resources development planning PWD

1165 Burrows Edwin Grant Western Polynesia : a study of cultural differentiation National Library of New BIB ID: 2784709


300 Butler David J. Assessment of the Impacts of Cyclone Heta on the Terrestrial ENV 333.7

Biodiversity of Niue

627 Butler David J National Assessment of the Priority Environmental Concerns ECE/NPS 333.72099626

of Niue (GEF/UNDP/SPREP & IWP Implementing the

Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for International Waters of

661 BWI Upgrading of Niue Airport - proposal for Consulting Services NA

prepared for Department of Economic Development

Government of Niue

350 Byrne Jones & Torney The Goverment of the Island of Niue to Niue Quarantine Ltd - DAFF

Vaie Farm

1188 Carney Sandra Niue : voices of change : a study of the role of UH, 5/24/2005

communications in population change on Niue

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