No Surname FirstName Title Location Classification Year Published

878 Tafea Holo U Niue Youth Water & Waste Management Awareness ENV

1056 Talagi G.S.T. Project document : inter-countries study visits 1984 National Library of New BIB ID: 7755586


984 Talagi G.S.T. Marketing and distribution of fish in Niue island National Library of New BIB ID: 7755606


169 Talagi Maru A situation Analysis of Children and Women in Niue 1996 EPDU

194 Talagi Sonya Consultancy report for the Niue National Biosafety BIO-DAFF

Framework for Biotechnology of Niue

1128 Talagi T.T. Review of progress of cattle scheme National Library of New BIB ID: 7756086


1079 Talagi E.F. Report of a meeting of UNDP, UNESCO and Niue officials, National Library of New BIB ID: 7755185

27-29th May, Apia, Western Samoa Zealand

814 Talagi G.S.T Country Profile Agriculture in Niue Island NA

126 Talagi Burgen Post-Workshop Report on "The 4th Asia & Pacific Airport CAD

Emergency Planning Workshop."

265 Talagi Sisilia Nutritional and mycorrhizal requirements of tropical trees for FO-DAFF

plantation and agroforestry systems

368 Talagi G.S.T. Report on Limes Field Production Trials DAFF

388 Talagi Sisilia DAFF and Private Sector (growers and farmers) DAFF

393 Talagi G.S.T. Agriculture in Niue DAFF, National Library BIB ID: 7754688

of New Zealand (NLNZ)

1123 Talagi B.W. J. Lisimoni Reports of the Senior Planners' Workshop National Library of New BIB ID: 7738103


508 Talagi E.F. Draft - National Bibliography NA

970 Talagi J.S.T. Information collection on Extension Division National Library of New BIB ID: 7755950


971 Talagi J.S.T. Information collection on Rootcrop Section : research National Library of New BIB ID: 7756323

activities in progress Zealand

981 Talagi J.S.T. Lime production survey National Library of New BIB ID: 7757153


1012 Talagi E.F. Niue cultural property overseas National Library of New BIB ID: 7755162


1039 Talagi Frans C. T.T. Pig production in Niue island : FAO/UNDP Agricultural National Library of New BIB ID: 7768481

Training Programme Zealand

462 Talagi Gloria Niue International Airport Terminal project acquittal report EPDS

454 Talamahina E. Population and Development project for Niue SPREP VF 2391

226 Tamate Molesi 1992 Report of Heads of Forestry meeting FO-DAFF

1094 Tamate M. Report on field days National Library of New BIB ID: 7758032


1078 Tamate M. Report of work programmes and activities in Extension National Library of New BIB ID: 7758019


1054 Tamate M. Production records for demonstration areas and selected National Library of New BIB ID: 7758055

keen growers areas (limes) Zealand

1055 Tamate M. Progress report on five year plan, 1979-1984 National Library of New BIB ID: 7758039


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