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Calendar of Events
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Climate Change Roundtable


SPREP Calendar of Events

Climate Change Events of Interest

25 May
28 May
1st PICs Network Meeting of ODS Officers

Apia, Samoa .
For more information
tel: +66-2288-1126;
fax +66-2280-3829;
e-mail: [email protected]

25 May
29 May
Pacific Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Capacity Building Workshop

Suva, Fiji.
For more information contact
Solomone Fifita, PM-PIGGAREP
tel: +685 21 929 ext 274;

fax: +685 20 231;

e-mail: [email protected]

 27 May
29 May
8th Meeting of the Asia Forest Partnership - REDD & COMBATING ILLEGAL LOGGING Bali, Indonesia .
For more information
tel: +62-251-622-622;
fax +62-251-622-100;
e-mail [email protected]
 01 June
12 June
30th Sessions of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies Bonn, Germany.
For more information, contact the UNFCCC Secretariat;
tel: +49-228-815-1000;
fax: +49-228-815-1999;
e-mail: [email protected]
05 June World Environment Day  
 02 June
05 June
PICs Network Meeting of ODS Officers Apia, Samoa.
For more information contact
tel: +66-2288-2128;
fax: +66-2280-3829;
e-mail: [email protected]
 16 June
17 June
High-Level Dialogue on Climate Change in Asia & the Pacific
Manila, Philippines.
For more information contact
Samuel Tumiwa, Senior Energy Specialists,
tel: +632 632 6624;
fax: +632 636 2198;
e-mail: [email protected]
17 June World Day to Combat Desertification & Drought day
Theme: Conserving land & water = Securing our common future.
for more information
Internet: http://www.unccd.int/

 22 June

24 June

Global Forum on Sustainable Energy: Towards an Integrated Energy Agenda Beyond 2020: Securing Sustainable Policies & Investment

Vienna, Austria.
For more information contact
Martin Lugmayr
tel: +43 (0)1 90 399 2557;

fax: +43(01)90 3 99 290;

e-mail: [email protected]
Internet: http://www.gfse.at/

 28 June
30 June
5th Urban Research Symposium: Cities & Climate Change: Responding to the Urgent Agenda Marseille, France.
For more information contact
e-mail: [email protected];
Internet: http://www.urs2009.net/index.html
29 June
03 July
PACC Inception Meeting Apia, Samoa
For more information contact
Taito Nakalevu, PM-PACC
tel: +685 21 929 ext 252;
fax: +685 20 231;
e-mail: [email protected];
 13 July
17 July
  IPCC 5th Assessment Report scoping meeting

Venice, Italy.
For more information

Internet: http://www.ipcc.ch/

 13 July
18 July
Pacific Youth Festival  Suva, Fiji.
18 July
19 July
35th Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development Conference Nadi, Fiji
21 - 23 July PACIFIC NGOs CAN workshop Rarotonga, Cook Islands
23 - 25 July AOSIS Preparatory Meeting Grenada, Caribbean
26 July
30 July
Pacific Islands News
Association (PINA) Summit
Port Vila, Vanuatu
01 August
30 September
Nairobi Work Programme: Technical Workshop Adaptation Planning & Practices Location to be confirmed
For more information
e-mail: [email protected]
04 August
07 August
Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Annual Meeting

Cairns, Australia
For more information

e-mail: [email protected]

09 August

International Day of the World's Indigenous People

10 August
14 August
Framework Convention on Climate Change Adhoc Working Group (AWG) Meeting Bonn, Germany
For more visit the
website : http://unfccc.int
01 September
04 September
IPCC Renewable Energy Lead Authors Meeting

Oslo, Norway
For more information visit
website: http://www.ipcc.ch/

21 September AOSIS Meeting, in preparation for the UN General Assembly New York, USA
22 September UN General Assembly New York, USA
21 September
22 October
Pacific Mini Games Rarotonga, Cook Islands

28 September

09 October

9th Session of the AWG-KP & 7th Session of the AWG-LCA Bangkok, Thailand
For more visit the
website : http://unfccc.int
07 October
09 October
Global Renewable Energy Forum 2009: Scaling up Renewable Energy

Leon, Mexico
For more information contact
Pradeep Monga, Director, Energy & Climate Change Branch, UNIDO;
tel: +43 1 26026 3018;
email: [email protected]
website: http://www.unido.org/index.php?id=7341

12 October
16 October
World Climate Conference Geneva, Switzerland
For more information visit
16 October World Food Day Global
19 - 23 October Pacific Climate Change Roundtable Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands
24 October An International Day of Climate Action Global
04 November
08 November
21st Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt
For more information contact
Ozone Secretariat;
tel: +254 207 623 8501;
fax: +254 20 762 4691;
e-mail: [email protected];
website: http://ozone.unep.org/

17 November


20 November

20th SPREP Meeting

Apia, Samoa

For more contact

Taito John Roache

tel: +685 21 929 ext 252

fax: +685 20 230
website: www.SPREP.org;
e-mail: [email protected]

07 December
18 December
15th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC & 5th Meeting of the Parties (MOP) TO THE Kyoto Protocol Copenhangan, Denmark
For more information contact
UNFCCC Secretariat;
tel: +49 2288 151 000;
fax: +49 228 815 1999;
email: [email protected]
12 December Global Day of Action on climate For more information connect to http://www.globalclimatecampaign.org/