Climate Change Resilience
The United States White House has mentioned the partnership signed between the U.S Peace Corps and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) in a Release on ‘Launching a Public-Private Partnership to Empower Climate-Resilience Developing Nations’. 

Peace Corps WH
Mr David Sheppard with Ms. Carrie Hessler-Radelet

In particular the statement reads:  “The Peace Corps will continue to innovate its programming to empower Volunteers worldwide to work with their host countries on addressing the impacts of climate change at the grassroots level. The Peace Corps is signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme, placing short-term technical Volunteers in Samoa to enhance local climate resilience. Volunteers in Ethiopia – one of the initial focus countries – are providing on-the-ground technical assistance and sustained engagement on climate change. The Peace Corps will also develop and launch an online climate-change community of practice, providing training modules, school activities, and other resources to help all Volunteers and staff better understand climate-change impacts and support resilience and mitigation efforts through their work.” 

To read the full release from the Office of the Press Secretary of the White House.