Compiled by the SPREP IRC and Library for the Pacific Environment Information Network [PEIN].
Contributions of documents, whether in hardcopy or digital form are welcome and can be sent to SPREP IRCA
[*Note that many of the documents below are large pdf files and may be difficult to load. Some pdf files may only be compatible with version 6.0 of adobe acrobat or higher. The issue should be resolved by upgrading to the latest Adobe Reader software. The Reader version 8 is free software available on the Adobe website at
Documents can be requested from SPREP IRCA
Lessons Learned and Guidelines for Best Practice
* see also More 'lessons learned' and 'best practices' documents available online from the SPREP library catalogue
Climate change
Action on the ground: A synthesis of activities in the areas of education,
training and awareness-raising for adaptation [UNFCCC] (2010; 2.3mb)
Adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in the agriculture and forestry sector - collection of best practices [SPC/GTZ] (2010; 1.17mb)
Adapting to Coastal Climate Change: A Guidebook for Development Planners (2009; 18mb) ; Summary(3.93mb)
Climate change adaptation in the Pacific: lessons learned from variability and extreme events / Eileen Shea (2004; 3.44mb)
Climate change information for effective adaptation : a practioner's manual [GTZ] (2009; 911kb)
Climate change mainstreaming guide and training manual [SPREP] (2010)
Climate witness: community toolkit [WWF] (2.7mb)
Compendium on methods and tools to evaluate impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to,
climate change [UNFCCC] (2008; 4.43mb)
Drought and extreme tides in RMI and FSM: Lessons learned, guidelines and recommendations [PEAC] - power point presentation (1.69mb)
Guiding principles for climate risk management initiatives - power point presentation (2003; 104kb)
Climate Adaptation and Adaptation Mainstreaming: Lessons From Variability (2004; 2.04mb)
Climate literacy: the essential principles of climate sciences: a guide for individuals and communities [NOAA] (2009; 2.92mb)
Community Based Adaptation exchange
CBA-X is a shared online resource designed to bring together and grow the CBA community. It provides a site for the exchange of up-to-date information about community-based adaptation, including news, events, case-studies, tools, policy resources, and videos.
Community-Based Adaptation Toolkit
The CBA Toolkit offers a practical “how-to” guide for project teams in completing the project cycle for CBA projects. It includes step-by-step guidance and recommended tools for all stages of the project cycle, along with links to useful resources and checklists for key project documents. It also includes CBA Project Standards to help ensure high quality analysis, design, implementation and information & knowledge management (including monitoring & evaluation) in your CBA project.
CRiSTAL: Community-based Risk Screening Tool – Adaptation and Livelihoods
The Community-based Risk Screening Tool – Adaptation and Livelihoods (CRiSTAL) is designed to help project planners and managers integrate climate change adaptation into community-level projects. It helps project designers and managers:
Understand the links between livelihoods and climate in their project areas;
Assess a project’s impact on community-level adaptive capacity; and
Make project adjustments to improve its impact on adaptive capacity and reduce the vulnerability of communities to climate change.
CV&A : A guide to Community Vulnerability and Adaptation assessment and action [SPREP] (2006; 1.25mb)
Ethics and methods in research for community-based adaptation: reflections from rural Vanuatu(2010; 125kb)
How healthy ecosystems are helping the world’s most vulnerable adapt to climate change.[Birdlife International] (2009; 1.94mb)
Implementing sustainable bioenergy production: a compilation of tools and approaches [IUCN] (2009; 4.09 mb)
Mainstreaming processes for climate change adaptation: collection of best practices [SPC/GTZ] (2010)
This collection of best practices looks at successful mainstreaming efforts to provide policy makers and planners in the Pacific with ideas and lessons learned. The examples, which come from different regions and sectors including the Pacific, are not only illustrating adaptation to climate change. Many examples originate from other related mainstreaming efforts like disaster risk management or environmental mainstreaming.
Natural Solutions: protected areas helping people cope with climate change [IUCN] (2009; 2.78mb)
Pacific Islands: adapting to climate change [World Bank] (2002; 125kb)
Pacific Islands Climate Change Adaptation Programme - PICCAP - power point presentation - success stories / lessons learned (2002; 1.09mb)
Pacific Islands Climate Change Adaptation Programme - PICCAP - power point presentation - lessons learned (2002; 70kb)
Papua New Guinea High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) toolkit
The key to the concept of HCVFs is the identification and maintenance of High Conservation Values (HCVs). The FSC's definition of HCVs encompasses exceptional or critical ecological attributes, ecosystem services and social functions.
PEAC Review Workshop: Lessons and recommendations - power point presentation (2003; 34kb)
Protected Areas management Effectiveness
This website has been developed to help the conservation community share experiences and ideas on management effectiveness, as well as provide ‘lessons learned’ from these assessments.
PSC Climate change and extreme events: shared lessons - power point presentation (2003; 107kb)
Resource Guide on Gender and Climate Change [UNDP] (2009; 2.82mb)
SANDWATCH MANUAL. Adapting to Climate Changes and Educating for Sustainable Development [Sandwatch] (2010; 8.13mb)
Synthesis report on efforts undertaken to assess the costs and benefits of adaptation options, and views on lessons learned, good practices, gaps and needs [UNFCCC] (2010; 116kb)
A Toolkit for Designing Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives [UNDP] (2010: 852kb)
Ozone handbook: Guide form National Ozone Officers [UNEP] (2002; 1.55mb)
Biodiversity and nature conservation - General
Advancing ecosystem-based management: a decision support toolkit for coastal managers
- The aim of this toolkit is to guide managers and practitioners in the use of common tools for regional planning and to illustrate through case studies approaches to advance ecosystem-based management by jointly addressing multiple objectives in conservation, fisheries and coastal hazards.
Best practice [Protected Area] guidelines [IUCN]
Biodiversity Planning: An Assessment of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) [UNU] (2010; 2.21mb)
The UNU-IAS project aimed to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the preparation,
content, adequacy and effectiveness of existing NBSAPs and, in the light of this assessment,
offer recommendations on what steps should be taken to ensure that NBSAPs fulfil their role
as the primary mechanism for the implementation of the Convention and the Strategic Plan
for Biodiversity 2011-2020.
Collaborating for Sustainability:A Resource Kit for Facilitators of Participatory Natural Resource Management in the Pacific [SPREP] (2004)
Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) Toolkit [CBD]
The toolkit is developed by the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC) for the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The toolkit is meant for CBD focal points and those to whom the implementation of a NBSAP is delegated. The toolkit offers you information to update your knowledge and skills with fact sheets, checklists and practical examples from all over the world.
Conserving biodiversity sustaining livelihoods : experiences from GEF-UNDP biological diversity projects : lessons learned [UNDP/GEF] (2006; 2.9mb)
Ecosystem Based Management Tools [clearinghouse]
Evaluating effectiveness: a framework for assessing management effectiveness of protected areas [IUCN] (2006; 8.89mb)
FLOW: The essentials of environmental flows [IUCN]
- This guide offers practical advice for the implementation of environmental flows in the river basins of the world. It explains how to assess flow requirements, change the legal and financial framework, and involve stakeholders in negotiations. ‘Flow’ sets out a path from conflict over limited water resources and environmental degradation to a water management system that reduces poverty, ensures healthy rivers and shares water equitably.
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Integrated Publishing Toolkit.
- The GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) is an open source software platform developed by the Secretariat of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility ( to facilitate efficient biodiversity data publishing to the Internet by all Participants in the GBIF network. This Java-based tool accommodates three main data types: taxon primary occurrence data, taxonomic checklists and resource metadata. Through the IPT, users are able to publish data residing in local databases, upload existing files, and access central services to make use of standardised controlled vocabularies. You can download the IPT at the project site:
Integrated Wetland Assessment Toolkit : a guide to best practice [IUCN] (2009; 16mb)
- Designed for development agencies, industries and governments to make sure they properly assess what they will lose if they drain a wetland for development.
Integrating biodiversity conservation and sustainable use : lessons learned from ecological networks [IUCN] (2004) - SPREP IRC 333.95 BEN
Lessons in conservation for people and projects in the Pacific Islands Region [UNDP] (2002; 759kb)
Lessons Learned from Previous Programmes and Projects in the Pacific (2010; 442kb)
Making Protected Areas Relevant: A guide to integrating protected areas into wider landscapes, seascapes and sectoral plans and strategies [CBD] (2010; 1.35kb)
Mangrove management handbook - (2000; 606kb)
Manuals on supporting practice change from the Protected Areas sector
Micronesia Challenge: Lessons learned
Principles, Guidelines and Other Tools Developed under the Convention on Biological Diversity
The protected areas benefits assessment tool: a methodology [IUCN/WWF] (2008; 3.52mb)
Protected Areas for the 21st Century: Lessons from UNDP/GEF's Portfolio [GEF/UNDP/CBD] (2010; 5/7mb)
Ramsar Toolkit Handbook for the Wise Use of Wetlands
Valuing the environment in small islands : an environmental economics toolkit (2007)
Wetlands management planning: a guide for site managers [WWF / IUCN ] (2008; 2.77mb)
Biodiversity and nature conservation - Marine
Case Study: The Funafuti Conservation Area, Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu: Drawing Lessons for Future
Marine Conservation Planning and Management [ADB] (2003; 1.03mb)
Climate Ready Estuaries Coastal Toolkit [clearinghouse]
The Climate Ready Estuaries Coastal Toolkit provides resources for estuaries and coastal programs that are interested in learning more about climate change impacts and adaptation. The Toolkit pages provide information and links to websites, reports, and other resources
Coastal Remote Sensing Toolkit: A Toolkit for Managers and Scientists Planning to Use Remote Sensing to Map and Monitor Coastal Ecosystem Health [Univ. of Queensland]
Designing marine protected area networks to address the impacts of climate change (2008; 456kb)
Fisheries Management Science Programme [FMSP]: lessons learned clearinghouse
- Policy Briefs and Information sheets based on a synthesis of material from a number of projects conducted under the Programme. They highlight important issues for fisheries and policy, and also point to the FMSP projects that shed light on addressing those issues.
Fully-protected marine reserves: a guide (2000)
How is your MPA doing? a guidebook of natural and social indicators for evaluating marine protected area management effectiveness [IUCN] (2004; 3.11mb)
Implementation of ecosystem-based management in Marine Capture Fisheries: case studies from WWF's Marine ecoregions [WWF] (2007)
Introduction to Coral Reef Ecosystems, Threats, and Solutions (2003; 2.48mb)
Introductory Guide to Marine Protection on the High Seas [FIELD] (2008; 474kb)
- a basic Introductory Guide on the complex legal questions around establishing marine protected areas on the high seas. The Guide is addressed at non lawyers.
Learning to learn : designing monitoring plans in the Pacific Islands International Waters Project; The cooperative framework for ocean and coastal management in the Pacific Islands : effectiveness, constraints and future direction ; The Pacific International waters project: aims, approaches and challenges [SPREP IWP project]. Documents available via request from the SPREP IRC
Lessons learned and best practices in the management of coral reefs [GEF] (2008; 286kb)
see also GEF Lessons Learned database
Locally-Managed Marine Areas: A guide to supporting Community-Based Adaptive Management [] (2008; 1.2mb) / French version
Manual on Natural Resource-based Income Generating Activities (2001; 7.7mb)
Marine Conservation Agreements: a practioners toolkit [TNC]
Marine Protected Area Planning Resources
- This website provides a library of useful resources for informing the planning and design of marine protected areas (MPAs). There are a number of Relevant Publications relating to guidelines, methodologies and strategies for planning MPAs both individually and as part of a network. Toolkits provide planners and managers with a range of accessible and complementary tools to guide MPA decision making. The Applied Planning Tools section provides links to a number of data manipulation and systematic conservation planning tools which may be applied to MPA design. Finally, the Web Resources section provides links to websites that hold further information on the development of MPAs and to applications useful for the planning process.
Marine Protected Area Networks in the Coral Triangle: Development and Lessons (2009; 29mb)
Marine protected areas - Review of FGEF's cofinanced project experiences (2010)
This review sets out to share the lessons learned from experience in marine biodiversity protection with all of the organisations involved, in order to promote opportunities for working in synergy . Includes Coral Reefs in the South Pacific project (CRISP)
Marine spatial planning: a step-by-step approach toward ecosystem-based management [UNESCO] (2009; 1.54mb)
Pacific Sea Turtle Education Kit [SPREP] (2007; 3.02mb)
People and reefs: successes and challenges in the management of coral reef marine protected areas [UNEP Regional Seas Report and Studies; 176] (2004; 11mb) *Includes case studies and lessons learned from the Pacific.
Preserving Reef Connectivity: A Handbook for Marine Protected Area Managers [GEFCORAL] (2010; 3.94mb)
Aims to help managers of coastal areas, in particular those of coastal marine protected areas (MPAs), understand and apply the concept of connectivity in their work. Connectivity issues relate to the movement in marine environments of water – and with it sediments, nutrients and pollutants – and of marine organisms. This makes it an important element to consider when contemplating the effective design of MPAs and MPA networks and most other aspects of coastal management.
Protected areas: documents and tools clearinghouse [CBD]
There is no shortage of tools and resources to help in the implementation of the Programme of Work on Protected Areas, but they are often dispersed and difficult to find in one place. This site enables you to quickly find and browse for tools by searching each of the different goals of the Programme of Work, searching specific topics and types of tools and resources, and by searching by language and geography - including the Pacific
Reef Rehabilitation Manual [GEFCORAL] (2010; 4.99mb)
This manual captures the learnings of worldwide research into reef rehabilitation and seeks to reduce the proportion of reef rehabilitation projects that fail. It provides detailed hands-on advice, based on lessons-learnt from previous experience, on how to carry out coral reef rehabilitation in a responsible and cost-effective manner.
Reef Manager's Guide to Coral Bleaching (2006; 5.13mb)
Reef Manager Toolbox [ReeBase Pacific]
- The Reef Manager ToolBox is a collection of manuals and guidebooks that have been developed by various projects, organizations and initiatives. These guides all aim to assist in the effective monitoring and management of reef resources. The selection provided here, are those that have been designed specifically for the Pacific or global resources that have proven useful to our stakeholders in the Pacific.
Reef Resilience Toolkit
- The Toolkit provides coral reef managers with guidance on building resilience to climate change into the design of MPAs and daily management activities. Check it out for updated recommendations based on new science and lessons learned direct from coral reef - see also case studies for Palau, Federated States of Micronesia and Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea
Reef Restoration Concepts and Guidelines: making sensible management choices in the face of uncertainty. [CRISP] (2007; 2.22mb)
A Review of Lessons Learned and Best Practice in Integrated Coastal Watershed Conservation and Management Initiatives in the Pacific Islands Region [SPREP] (2002; 598kb)
Selected guidelines, handbooks and 'tools' for coral reef management [NOAA - reading list]
SEM-Pasifika: Socioeconomic monitoring guidelines for coastal managers in Pacific island countries (2008; 15.9mb)
Socioeconomic manual for coral reef management [GCRMN] (2000; 14.46mb)
Synopsis of information relating to marine protected areas [SPREP] (2002; 3.1mb) - see 'lessons learned' - pp.21-22.
see also:
Marine protection posters [FSPI]
AGRICULTURAL BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY: Lessons learned from case-studies on animal genetic resources: paper submitted by the Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations [UNEP] (2001; 144kb)
Biosafety Frameworks Addressing the Release of Plant LMOs: a reference guide [CropLife international] (501kb)
Capacity building for the effective implementation of the Biosafety Protocol: experiences and lessons learned from recent initiatives (2009; 1.44mb)
A comparative analysis of experiences and lessons from the UNEP-GEF biosafety projects [UNEP-GEF] (2006; 1.09mb)
Guidance towards implementation of national biosafety frameworks: lessons learned from the UNEP demonstration projects [UNEP](2007; 50kb)
Invasive Species
A guide to designing legal institutional frameworks on alien invasive species [IUCN] (2000; 1.13mb)
Best Practice for the Management of Introduced Marine Pests: a Review [GISP] (2004; 2.25mb)
Best practices guide for crown-of-thorns clean up (2000; 895kb)
Guidelines for Development of National Ballast Water Management Strategies [IUCN] (2010; 1.16mb)
Guidelines for invasive species management in the Pacific : a Pacific strategy for managing pests, weeds and other invasive species
This document lists the essential components of a comprehensive and effective invasive species management programme. It has been compiled in consultation with Pacific island countries and territories, to support them in developing their invasive species work, and to guide regional and international agencies in providing assistance to them.[SPREP] (2009; 2.87mb)
Guidelines on Biofuels and Invasive Species [IUCN] (2009; 3.06mb)
Invasive alien species: a toolkit of Best Prevention and Management Practices [GISP] (2001; 2.4mb)
Biofuel crops and the use of non-native species: mitigating the risks of invasion [GISP] (2008; 63kb)
Lesson learned from the Pacific Invasives Learning Network [PILN] pilot programme
see also:
more Documentation and Advice from the Pacific Invasives learning Network [PILN]
A review of lessons learned and best practice in integrated coastal watershed conservation and management initiatives in the Pacific Islands Region [SPREP] (2002; 585kb)
Lessons for Pacific Islands environmental initiatives: Experiences from IWP national coordinators (2007; 793kb)
Mobilising people towards integrated water resource management [guidelines] [SOPAC] (4.41mb)
Terminal Evaluation GEF/UNDP/SPREP Strategic Action Program for the International Waters of the Pacific Small Island Developing States [SPREP] (2007; 761kb)
Waste disposal
The application of economic instruments to solid waste management in Pacific island countries and territories [SPREP] (2009; 114kb)
Rubbish is a resource: A Waste Resource Kit for the Pacific Islands [SPREP] (2006; 875kb)
Training Tool on the Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of POPs Wastes
The Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention has created an interactive Training Tool on the Basel Convention technical guidelines on POPs wastes. The electronic Training Tool provides information on the technical guidelines on POPs wastes in a simple and interactive manner.
see also:
the excellent resources available from the Solid waste management - guidelines and resourceswebpage maintained by the SPREP waste team.
Multilateral Environment Agreements
Convention on Biological Diversity: Training Modules
A set of training modules on national biodiversity strategies and action plans, and other aspects of implementation of the Convention, is available at: This set of training modules aims to provide CBD focal points, biodiversity managers and other national stakeholders with an introduction to the Convention and the role of national focal points, as well as practical guides to the process of preparing national reports and a national biodiversity strategy and action plan (NBSAP) and to making best use of the NBSAP once it has been prepared.
Green Customs Guide to Multilateral Environment Agreements [UNEP] (2008; 4.23mb)
The Green Customs Guide provides information and guidance to Customs and other border control officers to assist in their efforts to monitor and facilitate the legal trade and to detect and prevent the illegal trade in environmentally sensitive commodities such as ozone depleting substances, toxic chemicals, hazardous waste, endangered species and living modified organisms.This Guide explains the Green Customs Initiative and provides an overview of the relevant trade-related treaties and organisations that are included in this Initiative. Information is provided on how trade is regulated and the responsibilities of Customs officers in implementing the various controls are described. Specialised terminololgy is explained and sources of further information and assistance is provided. The Guide is designed to be used as part of a training curriculum for customs officers or as a stand-alone resource.
Guidance Document on Improving National Reporting by Parties to the Basel Convention (2009; 247kb)
Manual on compliance with and enforcement of Multilateral Environmental Agreements [UNEP]
Multilateral Environment Agreement: Negotiator's Handbook [UNEP] (2007; 899kb)
Rotterdam Convention Resource kit
The Resource Kit is a comprehensive source of information on the Rotterdam Convention intended to assist countries in the ratification process and in the implementation of the Convention.
see also: PROCEEDINGS of the Regional Workshop for the Rotterdam Convention ..Part I / Part 2 (2003; 696kb/611kb)
see also:
PROCEEDINGS of the Regional Workshop for the Rotterdam Convention ..Part I / Part 2
Stockholm Convention Training Tool on the Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of POPs Wastes
The Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention has created an interactive Training Tool on the Basel Convention technical guidelines on POPs wastes. The electronic Training Tool provides information on the technical guidelines on POPs wastes in a simple and interactive manner.
UNEP Division of Environmental Law and Conventions – publications and guides for MEA compliance and enforcement
- see more UNEP Guides, Manuals and Handbooks
Environmental Impact Assessment / Strategic Environmental Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for Mine Development and Tailings Disposal at Tropical Coastal Mines [SPREP] (1996; 3.12mb)
Environmental Impact Assessment of Irrigation and Drainage Projects - Guide for consultants and planners in developing countries, from FAO. (1995)
Environmental Impact Assessment: training Resource Manual [UNEP] ( 2002; 4.17mb)
A guide to environmental impact assessment in the South Pacific [SPREP] (1993; 4.01mb)
A guide to the practice of environmental impact assessment in the South Pacific region [SPREP] (1993; 4.77mb)
How to assess environmental impacts on tropical islands and coastal areas: a training manual [SPREP] (1989; 13.16mb)
Voluntary Guidelines on Biodiversity-inclusion Impact Assessment [UNEP] (2006; 168kb)
see also EIA Guidelines for best practice from the International Association of Impact Assessment
see also UNEP Environment Impact Assessment: Guides and Toolkits
see also the University of the South Pacific's Environment Impact Assessment portal and publications
Strategic Environmental assessment
Applying Strategic Environmental Assessment: Good Practice Guidance for Development Co-operation[OECD] (2006; 2.28mb)
see also the Strategic Environment Assessment Network website
see also World Bank - Strategic Environmental Assessment Toolkit
see also:
GEO Resource book: a training manual on integrated environmental assessment and reporting [UNEP]
Cross cutting issues
Collaborating for Sustainability: A Resource Kit for Facilitators of Participatory Natural Resource Management in the Pacific [SPREP] (2004; 2.22mb)
Guidance on Conducting Audits of Activities with an Environmental Perspective [WGEA] (708kb)
Integrating environmental safeguards into Disaster Management: a field manual [IUCN]
Volume 1: Reference manual
Volume 2: The disaster management cycle
National Self Capacity Assessments: a resource kit [UNDP] ( 2004; 221kb)
National Capacity Self-Assessments: Results and Lessons Learned for Global Environmental Sustainability[TheGef] (2010; 1.09mb)
Media as partners in education for sustainable development: a training and resource kit [UNESCO] (2009; 2.38mb)
Supplementary livelihood: options for Pacific island communities: a review of experiences [FSPI] (2007; 370kb)
Sustainable Development Toolbox
This toolbox contains selected tools in sustainable development planning clustered in accordance with different stages of the strategy and integrated development planning cycle depicted below. In principle, strategic and integrated planning is a continuous process of developing a vision, setting goals and objectives, identifying means to achieve them, and monitoring the achievement as a guide to the next round of this learning process. Two cross-cutting aspects namely Coordination and Participation are fundamental and core elements which must be incorporated into each stage to drive this planning cycle. see also SD Library of best practices and case studies.
Sustainable livelilhoods enhancement and diversification (SLED): a manual for practioners [IUCN] (2008; 2.02mb)
see also:
Open Training Platform - Environment
Resources and toolkits for capacity building in the environment sector. Excellent resources site.
Guide to developing National Action Plans : a tool for mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management based on experiences from selected Pacific Island Countries [SOPAC] (2009; 5.22mb)