Background of the project
Over several decades, waste has become one of the major concerns for small island countries in the Pacific region because of severe challenges in coping with the increasing volume and changing characteristics of urban and industrial wastes. Improper waste management has potential to pose a significant negative impact on public health, water and food supply, ecosystems, tourism and trade, resources, and even climate change, which threaten sustainable development in this region. 

Such unique constraints as geographical isolation, limited resources and economic scale, and dependence on foreign aid and imported goods have made management of solid waste more difficult for Pacific island countries (PICs).

JICA/SPREP Solid Waste Initiative
In order to realize the commitment of the Government of Japan at the second
 PALM (Japan-Pacific Leaders' Meeting) in 2000, JICA started assisting PICs in terms of solid waste management in collaboration with SPREP.

History of Assistance



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Under the Pacific Regional Solid Waste Management Strategy (2016-2025) as Cleaner Pacific 2025 which was formulated in J-PRISM cooperation, JICA implemented J-PRISM II in partnership with the responsible agencies of the waste management of each target countries and SPREP.

The objective of J-PRISM III is to strengthen independent solid waste management in the Pacific Region through improving human resource, institutional and financial capacity of solid waste management with developing monitoring system in each targeted Pacific Island Countries(PICs) and realizing "3R + Return" based on the activities up to J-PRISM II.



25 years

Overall Goal
Basic framework and necessary measures towards sound material cycle society through 3R+Return are in place in the Pacific region.

Project Purpose

The mechanism for self-sustaining solid waste management and #R+Return is strengthened.

Expected Outputs
Output 1:
Organizational, institutional and financial capacities on solid waste management are enhanced/improved.

Output 2: 
Capacity of providing public services on waste management is enhanced.

Output 3: 
"3R+Return" System is promoted.

Output 4: 
The knowledge and experiences in the region are shared.

Outline of the Project 

Project Title

Japanese Technical Cooperation Project for Promotion of Regional Initiative
on Solid Waste Management in Pacific Island Countries Phase III (J-PRISM III)

Donor Agency

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Partner Organization

Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)


July 2023 - July 2028 (5 years)


1,250 million Yen (approx. US$ 9.2 million) as of March 2023

Member Countries

Federated States of Micronesia, Independent State of Papua New Guinea, Independent State of Samoa, Kingdom of Tonga, Republic of Fiji, Republic of Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau, Republic of Vanuatu, and Solomon Islands (9 countries)




Dr. Yoko Onuma, Chief Advisor

Ms.Hisayo Takenaka, Project Coordinator/Public Relations
E-mail: hisayot.ext@sprep.org

Ms. Evangeline Potifara, Project Assistant
E-mail: evangelinep.ext@sprep.org

J-PRISM Project Office

c/o P.O. Box 240, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), Apia, Samoa
Telephone: (685) 21929 ext. 253