16th Noumea Convention - 2nd September
11th Waigani Convention - 3rd September
30th SPREP Meeting - 7th - 9th September
Environment Ministers’ High-Level Talanoa - 10th September
“Accelerating Actions for a Resilient Blue Pacific”
Thursday 2nd September 2021, Virtual - Apia, Samoa
- Provisional Agenda
- Agenda Item 1: Opening of the Meeting
No working paper!
- Agenda Item 2: Organisation of the Meeting
- Agenda Item 3: Adoption of the Agenda
- Agenda Item 4: Report of the Secretariat
- Agenda Item 5: National Reports on the implementation of obligations under the Noumea Convention
WP 5: National reports on the implementation of obligations under the Noumea Convention
- Agenda Item 6: Financial Statements for 2019/2020
WP 6: Financial Statements for 2019/2020
WP 6.1: Director General's statement
WP 6.2: Auditor's Accounts 2019
WP 6.3: Operational Accounts - Income and Expenditure 2019
- Agenda Item 7: Decision Items
WP 7.1: Report on the Review of the Noumea Convention
WP 7.1/Att.1: Draft Questionnaire for the Review of the Noumea Convention
WP 7.2: ACP MEA Phase III Programme Update
WP 7.2/Att.1: Priority Areas under ACP MEA III
WP 7.3: Regional framework to Address Marine Litter and Microplastics
WP 7.4: Pacific Declaration on Plastics
- Agenda Item 8: Consideration and adoption of the Core Budget
- Agenda Item 9: Items proposed by Parties
No working paper!
- Agenda Item 10: Other Business
No working paper!
- Agenda Item 11: Date and venue of the next Meeting
No working paper!
- Agenda Item 12: Adoption of the Meeting Record
No working paper!
- Agenda Item 13: Closure of the Meeting
No working paper!
Friday 3rd September 2021, Virtual - Apia, Samoa
- Provisional Agenda
- Agenda item 1: Opening of the Meeting
No working paper!
- Agenda item 2: Organization of the Meeting
- Agenda item 3: Adoption of the Agenda
- Agenda item 4: Presentation of Reports by the Secretariat of work undertaken since COP 10
WP 4: Presentation of Reports by the Secretariat of work undertaken since COP 10
WP 4.1: Report of the Eighth Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC-8)
WP 4.3: The Report on Status of Actions Taken on the Implementation of the 2019-2020 Business Plan
- Agenda item 5: Matters relating to the Implementation of the Convention
WP 5.2: Competent Authorities and Focal Points
WP 5.2/Att.1: Competent Authorities and Focal Points to the Waigani Convention
- Agenda item 6: Work of the Convention
WP 6.1: Review of the Waigani Convention
WP 6.1/Att1: An Evaluation of the Waigani Convention - July 2021
WP 6.2: Basel Convention Plastic Waste Amendments
WP 6.2/Att.1: Amendments to Annex II, VIII & IX to the Basel Convention
- Agenda item 7: Financial statements for 2019 to 2021
WP 7: Financial statements for 2019 and 2020
WP 7.3: Income and Expenditure Statement for 2019
- Agenda item 8: Consideration and adoption of the Business Plan for the PRC
WP 8: Consideration and adoption of the Business Plan for the PRC
- Agenda item 9: Other business
No working paper!
- Agenda item 10: Date and venue of the next Meeting
No working paper!
- Agenda item 11: Adoption of the Meeting Record
No working paper!
- Agenda item 12: Closure of the Meeting
No working paper!
Tuesday 7th, Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th September 2021, Virtual - Apia, Samoa
12:00pm - 5:00pm Samoa Standard Time
- Provisional Agenda
- Agenda item 1: Opening of the Meeting
- Opening Prayer
- Keynote Address by the Honorable Prime Minister of Samoa, Hon. Fiame Naomi Mataafa
- Official Address by SPREP Director General, Mr Kosi Latu
- Agenda item 2: Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair
- Agenda item 3: Adoption of Agenda and Working Procedures
WP 3.rev.1: Adoption of Agenda and Working Procedures
WP 3/Att.1.rev3: DRAFT Suggested Hours and Programme of Work
- Agenda item 4: Action Taken on Matters Arising from the Second Executive Board Meeting
WP 4: Action taken on Matters Arising from the Second Executive Board Meeting
WP 4/Att.1: Follow up Action taken on matters arising from the Second Executive Board Meeting
- Agenda Item 5: 2020 Overview and Implementation of the SPREP Strategic Plan 2017 – 2026
WP 5.1: Presentation of the Annual Report for 2020 and Director General's Overview of Progress since the Second Executive Board Meeting
WP 5.1/Att.1: Annual Report 2020
WP 5.2: Covid 19 impacts on SPREP
WP 5.3: Strategic outcomes from the 2020/2021 Performance Implementation Plan (PIP)
WP 5.3/Att.1: 2020 Achievements by Strategic Goals
WP 5.3/Att.2: 2020 High Level Summary Report
WP 5.3/Att.3: Performance Implementation Plan (PIP) 2020
- Agenda Item 6: Governance, institutional arrangements, and mechanisms
WP 6.2: Audit Committee Report for 2020
WP 6.3: Report on Members Contribution
WP 6.3/Att.1: Updated Members Contributions at the end of Financial year 2020
WP 6.3/Att.2: Updated statements of Members Contribution at 30 June 2021
WP 6.3/Att.3: Updated statement of Members Contribution at 31 August 2021
WP 6.4(a): Review of Staff Remuneration: Terms and Conditions
WP 6.4/Att.1: Terms of Reference
WP 6.6: Appointment of External Auditors
WP 6.7: SPREP Outgoing Director General's Performance Assessment (Closed Session)
WP 6.8: Appointment of Incoming Director General (Closed Session)
WP 6.8/Att.1: Rules of Procedure for Appointment of Director General
- Agenda Item 7: Regional Cooperation and Strategic Partnerships
WP 7.1: Implementing the Pacific Leaders Agenda
WP 7.2: Securing climate financing to build resilience to Climate Change in the Pacific region
WP 7.2/Att.2: Securing Climate Financing to build Resilience to Climate Change in the Pacific Region
WP 7.3: New EU funding support framework for the Pacific 2021-2027
WP 7.3/Att.1: List of EU funded programmes implemented by SPREP
WP 7.4: Strategic partnership between SPREP and JICA: future opportunities for collaboration
- Agenda Item 8: Strategic and substantive programmatic matters
WP 8.1.2: Weather Ready Pacific Decadal Programme of Investment
WP 8.1.2/Att.1: Weather Ready Pacific
WP 8.2.1: Update on CBD COP15 and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
WP 8.2.2/Att.2.rev.1: Vemoore Declaration
WP 8.2.3: Coral Reef Action Plan
WP 8.2.3/Att.1: Pacific Coral Reef Action Plan 2021-2030
WP 8.3.1: Strategic planning and management of disaster waste
WP 8.3.2: Strategic planning and management of hazardous waste
WP 8.3.2/Att.1: Asbestos management legislative reform pathway
WP 8.3.2/Att.2: Draft healthcare medical waste investment plan
WP 8.3.3: Pathways to introduce Sustainable Financing Mechanism
WP 8.3.3/Att.1: Pathway to introduce sustainable financing mechanmsm
WP 8.4.1: Scaling up environmental data management in the Pacific islands region
WP 8.4.3: Deep Seabed Mining: A Pacific Environmental and Governance Challenge
WP 8.4.3/Att.1: Deep Seabed Mining: A Pacific Environmental and Goverance Challenge
- Agenda Item 9: Consideration and approval of the 3rd PIP 2022-2023 and the 2022-2023 Biennial Work Programme and Budget
WP 9.1: Draft 2022-2023 PIP and updated result framework 2017 to 2026
WP 9.1/Att.1/rev.1: Draft PIP 3 (2022-2023) Outcome Indicators and Key Activities
WP 9.1/Att 2/rev.1: SPREP Results Framework (RF) 2017-2026
WP 9.2: 2022-2023 Biennial Work Programme and Budget
WP 9.2/Att.1/rev.1: 2022-2023 Work Programme and Biennial budget
- Agenda Item 10: Report of the SPREP Conventions
WP 10.1.rev.1: Report of the 16th Noumea Convention
- Agenda Item 11: Other Business
no working papers
- Agenda Item 12: Observer Statements
Documents will be available soon!
- Agenda Item 13: Dates of the 3rd Executive Board Meeting
No working papers
- Agenda Item 14: Adoption of the Outcomes of the 30th SPREP Meeting
No working papers
- Agenda Item 15: Closing
No working papers
Agenda Item: Environment Ministers’ High-Level Talanoa: ‘Accelerating Actions for a Resilient Blue Pacific’
Friday 10th September
- Panel 1: Ocean and Climate Change
- Panel 2: Ocean and Pollution
- Panel 3: Ocean and Deep-Sea Mining
Each panel will be moderated by a Minister. The Tokelau Minister of Environment, as Chair of the Environment Ministers’ High Level Talanoa will make introductory remarks and moderate Panel 1: Ocean and Climate Change. At the conclusion of the Ministerial Talanoa the Minister as Chair will provide the overall summary of the three panels.
Master of Ceremony: Kosi Latu, Director General of SPREP
- Provisional Agenda
- 1. Welcome
- 2. Opening with a short prayer from the Honourable Minister (tbc)
- 3. Introductory remarks
- 4. Introduction of the Chair the Honourable. Minister of Tokelau
- 5. Setting the scene
- 6. Presentation by Stuart Chape (Acting Deputy Director General of Strategic Policy & Technical Programmes & Director of Island and Ocean Ecosystems) – Regional State of Environment and Conservation Report
- 7. Formal introductions and Keynote Address: Honourable Minister of Tokelau - Chair and Moderator of Panel 1: Ocean and Climate Change.
At conclusion of Keynote Address the Honourable Minister of Tokelau (Chair) will introduce the Guest speaker.
- 8. Guest speaker: [Dr Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO] (tbc)
- 9. Panel 1: Ocean and Climate Change
- Each panelist to speak for 10 minutes, followed by a brief discussion and responses. Each respondent to speak for 6 minutes.
- Honourable Minister of Tokelau (Chair) to moderate session
- Honourable Minister of Marshall Islands
- Honourable Minister of New Zealand
- Honourable Minister of Palau
- Honourable Minister of Wallis and Futuna
- Honourable Minister of Kiribati: To provide a response
- Honourable Minister of French Polynesia: To provide a response
- Honourable Minister of Solomon Islands: To provide a response
- High-Level Representative of the United States of America: To provide a response
- 10. Session Break (15 minutes)
- 11. Panel 2: Ocean and Pollution
Each panelist to speak for 10 minutes, followed by a brief discussion and responses. Each respondent to speak for 6 minutes.
- Honourable Minister of Federated States of Micronesia - Moderator of Panel 2
- Honourable Minister of New Caledonia
- Honourable Minister of Samoa
- Honourable Minister of Australia
- High-Level Representative of America Samoa to provide a response
- Honourable Minister of Niue to provide a response
- Honourable Minister of United Kingdom to provide a response
- High-Level Representative of Northern Mariana Islands to provide a response
- High-Level Representative of Guam to provide a response
- 12. Draft Declaration on Plastics
- 13. Session Break (15 minutes) - Official virtual photograph
- 14. Panel 3: Ocean – Deep Sea Mining
- Each panelist to speak for 10 minutes, followed by a brief discussion and responses. Each respondent to speak for 6 minutes.
- Honourable Minister of France - Moderator of Panel 3
- Honourable Minister of Papua New Guinea
- Honourable Minister of Fiji
- Honourable Minister of Nauru
- Honourable Minister of Cook Islands to provide a response
- Honourable Minister of Tuvalu to provide a response
- Honourable Minister of Vanuatu to provide a response
- Honourable Minister of Tonga to provide a response
- 15. Youth Representative: Responding to the Ministers High-Level Talanoa
- 16. Environment Ministers’ High-Level Talanoa Summary: Honourable Minister of Tokelau (Chair)
- 17. Adoption of the Environment Ministers’ High-Level Talanoa Communique
- 18. Adoption by acclamation of the 30th SPREP Meeting Outcomes
- 19. Official close of the 30th SPREP Meeting
- 20. Pacific Island Environment Leadership Awards (45 minutes)
- 21. The Honourable Minister of New Caledonia, as the host of the 10th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas will announce the winners for each category accompanied by trophies on display, and special presentation showcasing the winners.
Previous Meetings
“Accélérer les actions en vue de l'atteinte d'un Pacifique bleu résilient”
Conférence en ligne : Apia, Samoa
2 septembre 2021
- Ordre du jour provisoire
- Point 1 de l’ordre du jour : Ouverture de la Conférence
• Prière d’ouverture
• Discours d'ouverture par la Première ministre du Samoa, l’honorable Fiame Naomi Mata’afa
• Discours officiel par le Directeur général du PROE, M. Kosi Latu - Point 2 de l’ordre du jour : Organisation de la Conférence
- Point 3 de l’ordre du jour : Adoption de l’ordre du jour
- Point 4 de l’ordre du jour : Rapport du Secrétariat
DT 4.1: Rapport à la CdP sur les activités menées en 2019-2021
- Point 5 de l’ordre du jour :Rapports des pays sur la mise en œuvre des obligations qui leur incombent en vertu de la Convention
- Point 6 de l’ordre du jour : États financiers pour les exercices 2019 et 2020
DT 6 États financiers pour les exercices 2019 et 2020
DT 6.1 Exposé du Directeur général
DT 6.2 Comptes vérifiés pour 2019
DT 6.3 Comptes d'exploitation : recettes et dépenses pour l'exercice 2019
DT 6.4 Rapport financier pour l'exercice 2019
DT 6.5 Comptes vérifiés pour 2020
DT 6.6 Comptes d'exploitation pour 2020
- Point 7 de l’ordre du jour : Questions appelant une décision
DT 7 de l’ordre du jour : Questions appelant une décision
DT 7.1: Rapport relatif au bilan de la Convention de Nouméa
DT 7.1/Ann.1: Projet de questionnaire
DT 7.2: Compte rendu de la progression de la phase III du projet ACP AME
DT 7.2/Ann.1: Domaines prioritaires dans le cadre du programme ACP AME 3
DT 7.3: Cadre régional de lutte contre les microplastiques et les déchets marins
- Point 8 de l’ordre du jour : Examen et adoption du budget de base
DT 8 de l’ordre du jour : Examen et adoption du budget de base
- Point 9 de l’ordre du jour : Points proposés par les Membres
Bientôt disponible
- Point 10 de l’ordre du jour : Divers
Bientôt disponible
- Point 11 de l’ordre du jour : Date et lieu de la prochaine Conférence
Bientôt disponible
- Point 12 de l’ordre du jour : Adoption du rapport de la Conférence
Bientôt disponible
- Point 13 de l’ordre du jour : Clôture de la Conférence
Bientôt disponible
Du 7 au 9 septembre, plateformes hybrides
De 12 h à 17 h, heure du Samoa
- Projet d’ordre du jour provisoire
Projet d’ordre du jour provisoire
- Point 1 de l’ordre du jour : Ouverture
- Point 2 de l’ordre du jour: Nomination à la présidence et à la vice-présidence
- Point 3 de l’ordre du jour: Adoption de l’ordre du jour et des procédures de travail
DT 3.rev.1: Adoption de l’ordre du jour et des procédures de travail
DT 3/Ann.1.rev3: Draft Programme de travail et horaire proposés
- Point 4 de l’ordre du jour : Mesures prises concernant les questions issues de la deuxième réunion du Conseil exécutif
DT 4: Mesures prises concernant les questions issues de la deuxième réunion du Conseil exécutif
- Point 5 de l’ordre du jour : Vue d’ensemble et mise en œuvre du Plan stratégique 2017- 2026 du PROE en 2020
DT 5.1: Présentation du rapport annuel de 2020 et de la vue d’ensemble du Directeur général des progrès réalisés depuis le deuxième Conseil exécutif
DT 5.1/Ann.1: Rapport Annuel 2020
DT 5.2: Incidences de la COVID-19 sur le PROE
DT 5.3: Résultats stratégiques du Plan de mise en oeuvre des performances (PIP) 2020-2021
DT 5.3/Ann.1: Résultats obtenus en 2020 par objectif stratégique
DT 5.3/Ann.2: Rapport de synthése de haut niveau pour l'année 2020
DT 5.3/Ann.3: PIP 2020 Avancees en vue de l'atteinte des objectifs strategiques du PIP2 (2020-2021)
DT 5.4: Comptes vérifiés pour 2020
DT 5.4/Ann.1: Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2020
- Point 6 de l’ordre du jour : Gouvernance, accords institutionnels et mécanismes
DT 6.2: Rapport du Comité d'audit pour 2020
DT 6.3: Rapport sur les contributions des Membres
DT 6.3/Ann.1: Contributions des Membres à la fin de l’exercise 2020
DT 6.3/Ann.2: Déclaration actualisée des contributions des Membres au 30 juin 2021
DT 6.3/Ann.3: Déclaration actualisée des contributions des Membres au 31 août 2021
DT 6.4(a): Évaluation de la rémunération du personnel : conditions générales
DT 6.6: Nomination des commissaires aux comptes externes
DT 6.7: Évaluation des résultats du Directeur général sortant du PROE (huis clos)
DT 6.8: Nomination du nouveau Directeur général (huis clos)
DT 6.8/Ann.1: Procédure de nomination du directeur
- Point 7 de l’ordre du jour : Coopération régionale et partenariats régionaux
DT 7.1: Mise en place du programme des dirigeants océaniens
DT 7.3: Nouveau cadre d'appui financier de l'UE pour la Pacifique 2021-2027
DT 7.3/Ann.1: Liste des programmes financés par l'UE mis en oeuvre par le PROE
DT 7.4: Partenariat stratégique entre le PROE et la JICA : perspectives de collaboration
- Point 8 de l’ordre du jour : Questions de fond et de stratégies relatives aux programmes
DT 8.1.2: Programme décennal d'investissement pour la préparation climatique du Pacifique
DT 8.1.2/Ann.1: Préparation climatique du Pacifique
DT 8.2.2/Ann.2.rev.1: Déclaration de Vemööre
DT 8.2.3: Plan d’action pour les récifs coralliens
DT 8.2.3/Ann.1: Plan d'action pour les recifs coralliens du Pacifique 2021-2030
DT 8.3.1: Planification stratégique et gestion des déchets générés par les catastrophes
DT 8.3.2: Planification stratégique et gestion des déchets dangereux
DT 8.3.2/Ann.1: Itinéraire en faveur d'une réforme législative pour le contrôle de
DT 8.3.2/Ann.2: Proposition de Plan d'investissement pour le contrôle des déchets médicaux
DT 8.3.3: Itinéraire pour établir un mécanisme de financement durable
DT 8.3.3/Ann.1: Itinéraire pour établir un mécanisme de financement durable
- Point 9 de l’ordre du jour : Examen et approbation du troisième PIP 2022-2023 et du programme de travail et budget bisannuels 2022-2023
DT 9.1: Projet du PIP 2022-2023 et Cadre de resultats 2017-2026 actualise
DT 9.1/Ann.1/rev.1: Version preliminaire PIP 3 (2022-2023)
DT 9.1/Ann.2: Cadre de resultats du PROE 2017-2016
DT 9.2: Programme de travail et budget bisannuels 2022-2023
DT 9.2/Ann.1: PIP 3 (2022-2023) Indicateurs de Resultats et Activites Principales
- Point 10 de l’ordre du jour : Rapport sur les conventions du PROE
DT 10.1.rev.1: Rapport de la 16th Convention de Nouméa
DT 10.1/Ann.1: Résultats sommaires: 16th Conférence de la Convention de Nouméa
- Point 11 de l’ordre du jour : Divers
- Point 12 de l’ordre du jour : Déclarations des observateurs
- Bientôt disponible
- Point 13 de l’ordre du jour : Dates pour la troisième réunion du Conseil exécutif
Bientôt disponible
- Point 14 de l’ordre du jour : Adoption des résultats de la 30e Conférence du PROE
Bientôt disponible
- Point 15 de l’ordre du jour : Clôture
Bientôt disponible
Bientôt disponible
- Ordre du jour provisoire
- Adoption of the Environment Ministers’ High-Level Talanoa Communique