
26th SPREP Meeting

13th Noumea Convention

8th Waigani Convention

Click on the links below and in the WP column to download the respective working paper. 
Information on Hotels and Motels   
Hotel Booking Form 
Provisional Agenda 
Side Events
Pacific Environment Forum Provisional Agenda - UPDATED! 16TH Sept.
26th SPREP Meeting Nomination Form 


Agenda Items Title Click to download
Agenda Item 1: Opening Prayer  
Agenda Item 2: Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair WP 2
Agenda Item 3: Adoption of Agenda and Working Procedures WP 3
Agenda Item 4: Action Taken on Matters Arising from Twenty-Fifth SPREP Meeting WP 4
WP 4/Att.1
Agenda Item 5: 2014 Overview  
5.1 Presentation of Annual Report for 2014 and Director General’s Overview of Progress since the Twenty-Fifth SPREP Meeting WP 5.1
WP 5.1/Att.1
WP 5.1/Att.2
5.2 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Report on the 2014 Annual Work Programme and Budget WP 5.2
WP 5.2/Att.1
5.3 Audited Annual Accounts for 2014 WP 5.3
WP 5.3/Att.1
Agenda Item 6: Institutional Reform and Strategic Issues  
6.1 Strengthening Regional Linkages  Update WP 6.1
6.2 Access to Climate Finance:
  • Adaptation Fund
  • Green Climate Fund
WP 6.2
6.3 Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) – Update WP 6.3
6.4 Framework for Regionalism WP 6.4
6.5 Implementation of the 2nd ICR and Midterm Review of the Strategic Plan outcomes WP 6.5
WP 6.5/Att.1
6.6 Development of the next SPREP Strategic Plan WP 6.6
WP 6.6/Att.1
WP 6.6/Att.2
6.7 Audit Committee Report WP 6.7
WP 6.7/Att.1 (for Information of Members)
WP 6.7/Att.2 (for Information of Members)
6.8 Priorities for SPREP/UNEP Partnership and the UNEP Pacific Sub-regional Office WP 6.8
6.9 EDF11 Prospects WP 6.9
6.10 Oceanscape Framework WP 6.10
WP 6.11/Att.1
6.12 Strategy for Resilient Development in the Pacific (SDRP) WP 6.12biz
WP 6.12biz/Att.1
Agenda Item 7: Strategic Financial Issues  
7.1 Report on Members’ Contributions WP 7.1
WP 7.1/Att.1
7.2 Membership Contributions Report of the Friends of the Chair WP 7.2
WP 7.2/Att.1
WP 7.2/Att.2
WP 7.2/Att.3
7.3 Finalization of the SPREP Business Plan  WP 7.3
WP 7.3/Att.1 (for members information)
Agenda Item 8: Corporate Services  
8.1 CROP Triennial Review of Staff Terms & Conditions WP 8.1
WP 8.1/Att.1
8.2 Annual Market Data WP 8.2
8.3 SPREP Director General’s Performance Assessment - 
8.4 Appointment of the Director General – CLOSED SESSION  
Agenda Item 9: Regional Conventions  
9.1 Report on the Conference of the Parties to the Noumea Convention WP 9.1
WP 9.1/Att.1
WP 9.2
WP 9.2/Att.2
9.2 Report on the Conference of the Parties to the Waigani  Convention
Agenda Item 10:  2016 Work Programme and Budget  
10.1 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management (overview) WP 10.1
10.1.1 GEF6 Invasive Species Proposal WP 10.1.1
10.1.2  Conservation of Threatened and Migratory Marine Species WP 10.1.2
WP 10.1.2/Att.1
10.1.3 Ecotourism and Iconic Marine Species WP 10.1.3
WP 10.1.3/Att.1
WP 10.1.3/Att.2
10.1.4 MEAs WP 10.1.4
10.2 Climate Change (overview) WP 10.2
10.2.1  Outcomes of PCCR WP 10.2.1
WP 10.2.1/Att.1
10.2.2  Outcomes of the 3rd PMC (Pacific Meteorological Council) and the First Meteorological Ministers Meeting WP 10.2.2
WP 10.2.2/Att.1
WP 10.2.2/Att.2biz
10.2.3  Preparation for COP 21 WP 10.2.3
10.2.4  Climate Services Programme (FINPAC, Climate Services and ROK - PI CLIPS, COSPPPac, PACCSAP) WP 10.2.4
10.2.5 Ocean acidification WP 10.2.5
WP 10.2.5/Att.1(for information of members)
10.3 Waste Management and Pollution Control (overview) WP 10.3
10.3.1  Stratégie régionale océanienne de gestion des déchets et de lutte contre la pollution 2016-2025 (Cleaner Pacific 2025) WP 10.3.1
WP 10.3.1/Att.1
WP 10.3.1/Att.2
10.3.2  PACPOL Strategy  WP 10.3.2
10.3.3  Marine litter observer data (GEN-6)  WP 10.3.3
WP 10.3.3/Att.1
10.3.4     Regional hazardous waste management update WP 10.3.4
WP 10.3.4/Att.1
10.4 Environmental Monitoring & Governance (overview) WP.10.4
10.4.1  Role of SPREP in Implementation of SAMOA Pathway and new SDGs WP 10.4.1
WP 10.4.1/Att.1
WP 10.4.1/Att.2
WP 10.4.1/Att.3
10.4.2  Global Environment Facility (GEF);
  • Medium Size Project (MSP) Implementation
  • Prospects (GEF 5 & 6)
WP 10.4.2
10.4.3 Regional EIA guidelines  WP 10.4.3
WP 10.4.3/Att.1.rev1
10.4.4 Deep Sea Mining (DSM) – the role of SPREP WP 10.4.4
WP 10.4.4/Att.1
10.5 Consideration and Approval of Proposed Work Programme and Budget for 2016 WP 10.5
WP 10.5/Att.1.rev.2
2016 Budget Representation
Agenda Item 11: Items Proposed by Members  
11.1   WP 11.1
Agenda Item 12: Regional Cooperation  
12.1 CROP Executives Meeting Report WP 12.1 
(for information of members)
WP 12.1/Att.1
WP 12.1/Att.2
WP 12.1/Att.3
WP 12.1/Att.4
WP 12.1/Att.5
Agenda Item 13: Statements by Observers  
Agenda Item 14: Other Business  
Agenda Item 15: Date and Venue of Twenty-Seventh SPREP Meeting  
Agenda Item 16: Adoption of Report of the Twenty-Sixth SPREP Meeting  
Agenda Item 17: Close