sprep meeting 2023

English French

“Sustainable, transformative and resilient for a Blue Pacific”


Side Events

Side Events @ 31st SPREP Meeting

Side Event Schedule

Side Event #1:  International Coastal Clean Up - Saturday 02 September, (14:00) - Offsite, Moata'a Village, Taumeasina


Brief Description




Interactive activities to engage communities in conducting a coastal clean-up activity including waste audit and survey. Our aim is to enhance awareness, knowledge, and skills on sustainable waste management practices

Sustainable Waste Actions in the Pacific (SWAP) Project.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) Samoa

Pacific Ocean Litter Project (POLP)

Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in Small Island Developing States (ISLANDS)  Project

Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Julie Pillet, 

Technical Waste Project Coordinator, SWAP, Waste Management and Pollution Control (WMPC) Programme


swap flyer


SWAP Presentation

Side Event #2:  Weather Ready Pacific Decadal Programme of Investment: Preparing for extreme weather events in a 1.5C and a 2C World brought by future climate change - Monday 04 September, Lunch time (12.00 - 13.30) - Savaii Room (Room 1), Taumeasina Island Resort


Brief Description




The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is very clear. The world is not on course to meeting the 1.5 degree Celsius target that the Pacific is advocating. Under the future climate brought about by the global warning and climate change, the IPCC emphasied the following;

•  Pacific will face fewer but more intense tropical cyclones

•  The Pacific will face increased heat stress with an increased number of days where combined heat and humidity are harmful to human health

•  Extreme Rainfall, Storm Surge, Heat Stress will become more frequent, more intense and more widespread

•  Drought Conditions increasing in the Pacific

•  Sea Level Rise will lead to increased frequency and intensity of storm surge events, increased coastal inundation and the intrusion of sea water into fresh water supplies

•  Marine heatwaves and ocean acidification will become more frequent and intense

The impacts of these extreme events will be catastrophic for small island states as outlined in the IPCC Second Working Group Report.

The forecasts and warnings provided by National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) are essential to the safety and well-being of Pacific people and communities, protection of property and contribute to sustainable development. But are they equipped to provide critical lifesaving information in a changed climate to communities? The answer is No.

During this session, information will be provided on why the Pacific Meteorological Council made the decision to develop the decadal investment plan and process of getting it endorsed by the PMC and the Pacific Leaders, the latest update on the decisions from the Sixth meeting from the PMC and the 3rd Pacific Ministerial Meeting on Meteorology (PMMM) in August 2023. Australia has pledged AUD30Million as the initial investment for the initiative.

Australian Bureau of Meteorology

Fiji Met Service (Chair of the PMC)

Government of Tonga (CEO or Director as champions of this initiative)

World Meteorological Organization

Samoa MNRE / National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) or Meteorological Service



Nihmei Salesa

Meteorology and Climate Adviser,  Climate Change Resilience (CCR) Programme


pac met flyer


pac met note


Weather Ready Pacific Presentation

Side Event #3: Sustaining Environmental Data Management in the Pacific, Monday 04 September, Lunch time (1.00 - 13.30: subject to change)   -   Sina Restaurant, (Room 2) Taumeasina Island Resort


Brief Description




The Inform Project has assisted member countries in the development of data management tools to collate and analyse data for key priority reports including the State of the Environment (SoE) and National Environment Management Strategy (NEMS) to inform decision making. This side event will showcase the various tools, guidelines, reports, strategic partnerships and resource materials developed under the project over the past 5 years and how these achievements have been incorporated into existing initiatives including the UN Joint Programme (UNJP) on Ecosystem Services; the use of GIS data for decision under the Ensuring Resilient Ecosystems and Representative Protected Areas (EREPA) project and the Enhancing Climate Information and Knowledge Services for resilience in 5 island countries of the Pacific Ocean programme. The event will also be a platform to discuss the next steps forward and how member countries can benefit from this work and also to request their support on their letter of support on the GEF 8 STAR Allocation.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Member Countries: Republic of the Marshall Islands, Samoa


Tavita Su’a, Pacific Environment Portal Systems Developer and Analyst,  Environmental Monitoring & Governance (EMG)


inform flyer


Side Event #4:  Greening of the Pacific Games 2023 - Tuesday 05 September, Lunch time (12.00 - 13.30)   -   Savaii Room, (Room 1) Taumeasina Island Resort


Brief Description




This side event will showcase the work of MECDM and SPREP to support the Solomon Island Government’s Safe and Green Games Strategic Framework with a particular focus on addressing the problem of plastic pollution- especially single-use plastics.

Government of the Solomon Islands MECDM


Andrea Volentras 

Project Manager, Pacific Ocean Litter Project (POLP), Waste Management and Pollution Control (WMPC) Programme


polp flyer


Side Event #5:  Introduction to the GEF-8 Programming Directions and the recent updates on Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs)Tuesday 05 September, Lunch time (12.00 - 13.30)   -    Sina Restaurant (Room 2), Taumeasina Island Resort


Brief Description




The side event will provide information on the new GEF-8 Strategic and Programming Directions, including the Integrated Programs, Focal Areas and Global Environmental Benefits. The event will also be an opportunity to learn more about the recent updates on the MEAs’ agenda, including GEF’s role in the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF), the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdictions Treaty (BBNJ, aka the High Seas Treaty), and the Plastic Pollution Treaty.

Global Environment Facility (GEF) Secretariat

GEF Partners

Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA)


Amanda Wheatley Biodiversity Adviser, Juney Ward, Ecosystem & Biodiversity Officer  Island & Ocean Ecosystems Programme (IOE)

Sarah Amy Wyatt swyatt@thegef.org  and Anil Bruce Sookdeo asookdeo@thegef.org

Side Event #6:  Port Based Outreach: saving endangered species from Bycatch, Tuesday 05 September, Evening (18.00)   -   Savaii Room (Room 1), Taumeasina Island Resort


Brief Description




BirdLife Pacific in partnership with SPREP, funded through the Pacific European Union Marine Programme (PEUMP), Bycatch and Integrated Ecosystem Management (BIEM) initiative, have been undertaking a port-based outreach programme in Suva with surface long line vessels fishing for tuna. These fisheries present a high risk to Species of Special Interest including seabirds, sharks and rays, turtles and whales and dolphins of being accidentally caught in baited fishing hooks. The programme aims to bridge the implementation gap between regional and government regulations requiring use of bycatch mitigation on fishing vessels and practical application of the mitigation by skippers and crew to prevent bycatch of species of special interest. This side event will discuss this programme.

BirdLife Pacific


Margaret West, BirdLife Pacific Director Margaret.West@birdlife.org

Stephanie Borrelle, BirdLife Pacific Stephanie.Borrelle@birdlife.org 

James Nagan- James.Nagan@Birdlife.org   

Karen Baird, Threatened and Migratory Species Adviser, Island and Ocean Ecosystems Programme (IOE)


birdlife side event


Bycatch presentation

Side Event #7:  Strengthening Environmental & Social Risk Management in the Pacific, Tuesday 05 September, Evening (17.00)  -   Main Conference Venue (Apolima & Manono Rooms), Taumeasina Island Resort


Brief Description




SPREP has been at the forefront of promoting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) across the Pacific for over 30 years. Collaborative initiatives like the Pacific Learning Partnership for Environmental and Social Sustainability (PLP-ESS), involving SPREP, the World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), and University of the South Pacific (USP),  have provided a Pacific-based and needs driven platform for capacity building on the effective administration of Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM) for infrastructure development. 

Building on PLP-ESS's success, a compelling proposal for a dedicated regional capacity strengthening project is emerging. This strategic collaboration between the World Bank and SPREP aims to enhance ESRM in the Pacific, capitalizing on the experience from the PLP-ESS program to develop common methodologies for Environmental & Social assessments and management planning to support the effective implementation of development projects in the Pacific.

Against this backdrop, SPREP, in partnership with the World Bank, is pleased to host a side event to explore the critical issue of strengthening ESRM in the Pacific. The side event includes the launch of SPREP's "Good Practice Guidelines in Environmental Impact Assessment for Coastal Engineering in the Pacific".

World Bank



Jope Davetanivalu , Director, Environmental Monitoring & Governance,   Environmental Monitoring & Governance Programme (EMG)

Ivan Diarra, PNEA - Technical Support Officer, (EMG)


side event 7


Side Event #8:  Strengthening Pacific Engagement in the IPCC Assessment Reporting Cycles and Processes, Wednesday 06 September, Lunch time (12.00 - 13.30)  -   Savaii Room (Room 1), Taumeasina Island Resort


Brief Description




Recognising Pacific Island nations' goal to keep global warming to 1.5°C, this event will discuss how we are tracking against this goal, and what options we have for limiting future global warming both in the Pacific and internationally.  

The Pacific Islands Leaders Meetings in July 2022 launched the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent 2050 Strategy. Climate change has been identified as one of the thematic areas of the 2050 strategy. The 2050 Strategy represents a unique opportunity for the region to develop long-term approaches to critical challenges such as climate change, sustainable development, and security. 

The IPCC reports are the world’s most authoritative sources of climate science, approved by 195 countries.  The message from climate scientists in the IPCC reports confirms the critical need for governments to take urgent, concerted action to achieve the 1.5˚C warming limit goal.

The Pacific Climate Change Centre hosted at SPREP in partnership with the Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions at the Australian National University held a series of Pacific Webinars  on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Reports (AR6):  Working Group I – Physical Science, II & III Climate Change and Mitigation and the AR6 Synthesis Report.

The main objectives of the Pacific webinars and regional dialogue were to;

• Discuss the main findings of the report and its implications for the Pacific.

• Strengthen knowledge in the Pacific region around the work of the IPCC.

• Provide the most up-to-date synthesis of relevant climate change information to diverse Pacific Island audiences, policymakers and Pacific researchers. 

• Present the PCCC Regional Frameworks on Research as a mechanism to strengthen regional coordination and cooperation between climate change IPCC focal points, the regional scientific community, and other stakeholders.

15 factsheets designed to convey and communicate the key findings of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have been developed. 

The PCCC & ANU also undertook a multi-staged engagement process to capture perspectives from a diverse range of stakeholders on options to enhance engagement with the IPCC and improve accessibility of IPCC data for Pacific audiences. As a result of the multi-staged engagement process, the SPREP PCCC and ANU team recommend the following options:

 Support the establishment of a regional policy coordination mechanism to coordinate National IPCC Focal Points and regional priorities.

 Expand outreach to provide clear pathways for engaging with the IPCC through a supported coordination function.

Support the development of an IPCC capacity-building  program

Australian National University

University of Melbourne

Government of Samoa

Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency/SPC


‘Ofa Kaisamy, Manager, Pacific Climate Change Centre, Climate Change Resilience Programme (CCR)

Yvette Kerslake, Technical Adviser, Science to Services, PCCC, (CCR)


side event flyer




Side Event #9:  Building Digital Resilience - Wednesday 06 September, Lunch time (12.00 - 13.30)   -   Sina Restaurant (Room 2), Taumeasina Island Resort


Brief Description




SPREP ICT Strategy 2023 - 2028 sets the strategic direction and investments for building a digitally resilient Secretariat through innovation and advances in technology. This event will  officially launch the new SPREP website as well as showcase SPREP's digital products, the virtual library and eLearning platform culminating with highlighting IT contributions to the wider community.

SPREP Information Technology (IT) Unit

SPREP Knowledge Management (KM) Unit

SPREP Technical Programmes

Chris Slaven, Information Technology Manager, Information Services, Governance and Operations (GO)

Billy Chan Ting, Web Applications Developer Specialist  Information Services, (GO)

IT side event


IT side event prog


PRISMSS presentation

VanKIRAP presentation

Launching of the NEW SPREP Website video


Side Event #10:  Circular Economy: Unlocking Waste as Resource, Wednesday 06 September, Evening (17.00)   -   Savaii Room (Room 1), Taumeasina Island Resort


Brief Description




There is a growing recognition that our current take-make-waste linear economy is a significant contributor to overflowing landfills, marine and terrestrial pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss and overconsumption of our natural resources.

A Circular Economy approach can be used to progress away from a linear economy, to enhance waste minimisation and resource efficiency, and progress greener growth opportunities.

This side event will introduce concepts of Circular Economy and provide information to member countries opportunities to incorporating Circular Economy into waste management decision making and legislation.

Presentations will include comparison of Linear Economy and Circular Economy and overview Circular Economy opportunities for PICTs to enhance waste management and minimise pollution to marine and terrestrial environment.

Circular Economy brings several opportunities for PICTs, including closing material flow loops through initiatives such as refusal, resource efficiency, sharing platform adoption, recycling, remanufacturing, repairing, and second use level. Each of these initiatives circulates resources from later stages back into earlier stages of the value chain to empowering their reuse, thus decreasing the stock of “inadequately disposed products” and improving value throughout the economy. Circular Economy will contribute to potential economic benefits that include:

•  increased GDP and GVA per capita,

•  reduced import vulnerability,

•  reduced trade deficit,

•  employment and education opportunities,

•  improved creditworthiness,

•  reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,

•  reduced waste disposal to landfill,

•  regenerated natural systems.

Member countries: Solomon Islands, Cook Island

Swire Shipping


Pacific Recycling Foundation

SPREP Waste Management and Pollution Control (WMPC) Programme

SPREP Environmental Monitoring and Governance (EMG) Programme

Susana Telakau, Solid Waste Management Adviser, (WMPC)

Hilary Boyes, PacWastePlus Project, Technical Waste Project Officer - Resource Recovery, (WMPC)

Mohammed Asid Zullah, Pollution Adviser, (WMPC)  


circular economy


circular economy

Concept Note and Agenda

Circular economy - unlocking waste as a resource

Circular economy

The Moana Taka partnership

Side Event #11:  IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, Wednesday 06 September, Evening (17.00)   -   Main Conference Venue (Apolima & Manono Rooms), Taumeasina Island Resort


Brief Description




Lou Sanson is Vice Chair for WCPA Oceania and former Director General of NZs Dept of Conservation with a long record of working with and supporting SPREP. He will present the work IUCN is doing to support probably the greatest and most exciting conservation challenge the world has ever faced . That is 30x30 (30 % of the World's Oceans and Land Protected for conservation by 2030). In many ways Pacific Nation have been at cutting edge of  leading this for the world before it was formalized in the 2021 Montreal- Kunming CBD Agreement.

He will talk of support systems IUCN is developing. WCPA is also working hard to increase its support to Pacific nations and conservation community.

International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)


Lou Sanson, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas for Oceania Vice Chair, lousanson@icloud.com

Karen Baird, Threatened and Migratory Species Adviser, Island and Ocean Ecosystems (IOE) Programme

Vainuupo Jungblut, Environmental Monitoring & Reporting Adviser,  Environmental Monitoring & Governance (EMG) Programme


iucn flyer


Side Event #12:  Institutional Gender Mainstreaming and Inclusion in SPREP, Thursday 07 September, Lunch time (12.00 - 13.30)   -   Savaii Room (Room 1), Taumeasina Island Resort


Brief Description




SPREP Meeting is the occasion to reinstate SPREP’s commitment to empowerment, protection, and participation of males and females in their societies, and celebrate together its collective efforts and achievements to honour it.

The revision of SPREP Gender Policy is in its final stages. This policy provides the necessary principles, tools and procedures to ensure that gender equity and social inclusion is anchored in every aspect of the work and the culture of the Secretariat. The establishment of the support platform (the Gender Inclusion, Equity and Mainstreaming Committee (GEIM) further reaffirms the commitment of the Secretariat to ensure gender is sustainably anchored within the organisation’s culture.

This event will showcase the latest institutional developments to strengthen gender mainstreaming and inclusion within SPREP as well as key results and knowledge products from its programmes and projects to support Members in progressing gender equality in our region.

SPREP and Partners

Ofa Kaisamy, Manager, Pacific Climate Change Centre, Climate Change Resilience (CCR) - Gender Inclusion, Equity and Mainstreaming (GEIM) Committee

Mathilde Kraft, Project Development Coordinator, Kiwa Initiative (IOE) - Gender Inclusion, Equity and Mainstreaming (GEIM) Committee


side event GEIM


Side Event #13:  Mercury Free Pacific, Thursday 07 September, Lunch time (12.00 - 13.30)   -   Sina Restaurant (Room 2), Taumeasina Island Resort


Brief Description




Activity 4.2.1 of the GEF ISLANDS Pacific Project seeks to execute an extensive regional campaign to promote a “Mercury Free Pacific” related to phasing out mercury medical devices and dental amalgam throughout the region. The Mercury Free Pacific initiative was introduced at the 2021 SPREP Meeting as a working paper and leaders agreed to support its execution through a regional action plan.

The side event is part of a series of engagement opportunities with Pacific leaders. The project will develop a series of high-level communications to engage Pacific leaders through in the issues of mercury, to improve understanding of the aims of the Minamata Convention, and of leaders’ knowledge in products containing mercury, and their available alternatives.

This improved understanding by leaders is expected to facilitate high level support to agree to phase out mercury containing products in SPREP member countries. 

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Biological Research Institute

Alliance of Mercury Free Dentistry

Pacific Parties to the Minamata Convention



Joshua Sam, Hazardous Waste Management Adviser, Waste Management & Pollution Control (WMPC) Programme

Edward Nicholas, Project Manager, ISLANDS Pacific Child Project, (WMPC)


mercury free flyer


circular economy concept note


Side Event #14:  PRISMSS Restoring Island Resilience Event, Thursday 07 September, Evening (19.00)   -   Offsite, Robert Louis Stevenson Museum, Vailima


Brief Description




Celebrating Pacific success towards scaling up the management of invasive species – a journey to restoring island resilience through PRISMS. The event will also officially open the SPREP Meeting Ministers Talanoa proudly hosted by the Pacific Regional Invasive Species Management Support Service (PRISMSS).

New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)


European Union (EU)

Global Environment Facility (GEF) 6 Regional Invasives Project (RIP)


UN Environment


David Moverley, Invasive Species Adviser, Island & Ocean Ecosystems (IOE) Programme

Isabell Rasch Project Manager, RISP, (IOE)


prismss side event flyer


Side Event #15: Vanuatu Climate Futures Portal - A Pathway to a Resilient Future, Friday 08 September, Lunch time (12.00 - 13.00)   -  Savaii Room (Room 1), Taumeasina Island Resort


Brief Description




Vanuatu is highly exposed to climate variability and change and has already been significantly affected by changing weather patterns and warming oceans. The Green Climate Fund Van-KIRAP (Vanuatu Klaemet Infomesen blong redy, adapt mo protect) Project in Vanuatu is delivering climate science to support decision makers and communities in Vanuatu to prepare for and adapt to climate variability and change. To support the Government of Vanuatu inform and prepare its public to manage expected climate changes, VanKIRAP Project in partnership with the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-hazards Department (VMGD), Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), NGIS and SPREP to delivered the Vanuatu Climate Futures Portal.  

The Vanuatu Climate Futures Portal is a scalable, flexible and modular platform designed to put climate science in the hands of users and to deliver targeted, sector level impact with the application of climate information services. It is the operational tool used by the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-hazards Department provide climate change projections and tailored climate services to climate sensitive sectors such as Agriculture, Fisheries, Tourism, Infrastructure and Water. The Vanuatu Climate Futures Portal is the pathway to a resilient future

Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Hazards Department (VMGD),

Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO),



Mr. Sunny Kamuta, Climate Information Services Officer, Climate Change Resilience (CCR) Programme

Mrs Moirah Matou, E: mmatou@vanuatu.gov.vu  

Mr. Geoff Gooley, E: Geoff.Gooley@csiro.au



side event 15 flyer






Waigani Convention

Friday 1 September 2023, Apia, Samoa

Documentation list

Provisional Agenda

Provisional Agenda

Agenda Item 1: Opening of the Meeting

No working paper!

Agenda Item 2: Organisation of the Meeting

WC 2: Organisation of the Meeting

Agenda Item 3: Adoption of the Agenda

WC 3: Adoption of Agenda

Agenda Item 4: Presentation of Reports by the Secretariat of work undertaken since Since COP 11

WC 4:Presentation of reports by the Secretariat if work undertaken since COP 11

WC 4.1: STAC 9

WC 4.2: SCPRC 8

WC 4.3.1: Implementation of used oil management activities

WC 4.3.2: Implementation of asbestos, e-waste and healthcare waste activities

Agenda Item 5: Reporting and transmission of information on illegal traffic

WC 5: Reporting and transmission of information on illegal traffic

Agenda Item 6: Competent Authorities and Focal Points

WC 6: Competent Authorities and Focal Points

WC 6.1: Annex 1

Agenda Item 7: Work of the Convention

WC 7: Work of the Convention

WC 7.1: Proposed amendment to the Waigani Convention

WC 7.1: Annex 1

WC 7.2: Implementation of the Review Recommendations

WC 7.2: Annex 1

Agenda Item 8: Financial statements for 2021 & 2022

WC 8: Financial statement for 2021 & 2022

W8/ Annex 1:     SPREP Audit report 2021

W8/ Annex 2:     SPREP Audit report 2022

WC 8/ Annex 3: Period 01 January 2021 to 31 December 2021

WC 8/Annex 4: Period 01 January 2022 to 31 December 2022

WC 8/Annex 5: Payment Schedule as at 31/12/2022

Agenda Item 9: Regional Waste Data Collection, Monitoring and Reporting Framework

WC 9: Regional Waste Data Collection, Monitoring and Reporting (DCMR) Framework

WC 9/ Annex1: Regional Waste Data Collection, Monitoring and Reporting Framework

Agenda Item 10: Regional Recycling

WC 10: Regional Recycling  and increased transboundary movements of wastes

Agenda Item 11: Consideration and adoption of the Business Plan for the PRC

WC 11: Consideration and adoption of the Business Plan for PRC

WC 11/Annex 1: Business Plan 2024-2025

Agenda Item 12: Other Business

WC 12: Other Business

Agenda Item 13: Date and venue of the next Meeting

WC 13: Date and venue of the thirteenth COP meeting

Agenda Item 14: Adoption of the Meeting Record

WC 14: Adoption of the meeting record

Agenda Item 15: Closure of the Meeting

No working paper!



Noumea Convention

Thursday 31 August 2023, Apia, Samoa

Documentation List

Provisional Agenda

Refer to Agenda 3.1

Agenda item 1: Opening of the Meeting

No working paper!

Agenda item 2: Organisation of the Meeting

WP 2: Organisation of the Meeting

Agenda item 3: Adoption of the Agenda

WP 3: Adoption of the Agenda

WP 3.1: Provisional Agenda

Agenda item 4: Secretariat report on the Protocols and activities of 2021 - 2023

WP 4.1: Secretariat report on the activities undertaken in the biennium period of July 2021 to June 2023

WP 4.1.1: Report of the Secretariat on work performed in the period July 2021 - June 2023 in relation to the Noumea Convention and Protocols

WP 4.2: Report on the Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the South Pacific Region by Dumping (1990)

WP 4.2.1: LC/SG 46/INF.15 Pacific assessment and concerns

WP 4.2.2: LC/SG 46/16 Report of the 46th Meeting of the Scientific Group under the London Convention

WP 4.2.3: LC 44/11 Legal advice on the application of the London Protocol

WP 4.3: Report on the Protocol concerning cooperation in combating pollution emergencies in the South Pacific region (1990)

Agenda item 5: Country Reports on the implementation of obligations under the Convention

WP 5: Country Reports on the implementation of obligations under the convention

Australia's Report to Noumea Convention

New Zealand's Report to Noumea Convention

Samoa's Report to Noumea Convention

Agenda item 6: Financial Statements

WP 6: Financial Statements

WP 6.1: Director General's Remarks

WP 6.2: Auditor's Report 2021

WP 6.3: Income and Expenditure 2021

WP 6.4: Auditor's Report 2022

WP 6.5: Income and Expenditure 2022

Agenda item 7: Decision Items

WP 7: Decision items

WP 7.1: Outcome report from the Ad Hoc Meeting of the Parties on the review of the Noumea Convention

WP 7.1.1: Ad Hoc Meeting of the Parties to the Noumea Convention to discuss the Report on the review of the Noumea Convention: 14-15 June 2023: Apia, Samoa

WP 7.1.1/Annex 1-5: refers to WP 7.1.1

WP 7.1.1/Annex 6: Ad Hoc Meeting of the Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region and related Protocols (Noumea Convention) June 2023

WP 7.1.1/Annex 7: Review of the Noumea Convention, presentation by David Sheppard

WP 7.1.1/Annex 8: Review of the Noumea Convention Final Report - 23 November 2021

WP 7.2 Update of the preparatory work to the First and Second Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-1, INC-2) to develop a global legally binding instrument on plastic pollution including in the marine environment

WP 7.3: Reviewing approaches to oil spill response mechanisms for the Pacific

WP 7.3/Att 1: Examples of specific challenges and issues that could be addressed during a reform process

Agenda item 8: Consideration and adoption of the Provisional Budget

WP 8: Consideration and adoption of the Provisional Budget 2024-2025

WP 8.1: Budget - Noumea Convention COP 18 - 2025

WP 8.1.1 Budget activities 2024-2025

WP 8.2: Status of contributions

Agenda item 9: Items proposed by Parties

No working paper!

Agenda item 10: Other Business

No working paper!

Agenda item 11: Date and venue of the next Meeting

No working paper!

Agenda item 12: Adoption of the Meeting Record

No working paper!

Agenda item 13: Closure of the Meeting

No working paper!


31st SPREP Meeting of Officials

Tuesday 5th, Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th September 2023, Apia, Samoa

Documentation list

Provisional Agenda

Draft Provisional Agenda

Agenda item 1: Opening of the Meeting
No working paper!
Agenda item 2: Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair

WP 2: Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair

Agenda item 3: Adoption of Agenda and Working Procedures

WP 3: Adoption of Agenda and Working Procedures

WP 3/Att 1: Draft Suggested Hours and Programme of Work

Agenda item 4: Action Taken on Matters Arising from the Third Executive Board Meeting
WP 4: Action taken on Matters Arising from the 3rd Executive Board Meeting

WP 4/Att 1: Action Taken on Matters Arising

Agenda Item 5: 2022 Overview and Implementation of the SPREP Strategic Plan 2017 – 2026

WP 5.1: Presentation of the Annual Report 2022 and Director General's Overview of Progress since the Third Executive Board Meeting

WP 5.2: Strategic outcomes from the 2022/2023 Performance Implementation Plan (PIP)

WP 5.2/Att 1: PIP3 (2022-2023) Progress towards achieving PIP3 strategic outcomes

WP 5.2/Att 2: PIP3 (2022-2023) Progress towards achieving PIP3 outcomes by strategic goals

WP 5.2/Att 3: PIP3 (2022 - 2023) High level summary report, crosscutting issues and lessons learnt

WP 5.3: Outcomes of the SPREP Partnership Dialogue

WP 5.4: Audited Accounts for 2022

WP 5.4/Att 1: Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2022

Agenda Item 6: Governance, institutional arrangements, and mechanisms

WP 6.1: Audit Committee Report

WP 6.2: Report on the Members' Contributions

WP 6.2/Att.1: Members Contributions 

WP 6.2/Att .2: Members Contributions

WP 6.2/Att.3: Members Contributions

WP 6.3: Sustainable financing: Report of the Independent review

WP 6.4: Report of the Working Group for the Prioritisation of Recommendations of the 3rd Independent Corporate Review (ICR) and the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the SPREP Strategic Plan

WP 6.5: Appointment of External Auditors

WP 6.6: Review of the 2012 Staff Regulations

WP 6.7: SPREP Director General's Performance Assessment (Closed Session)

Agenda Item 7: Regional Cooperation and Strategic Partnerships

WP 7.1: Implementing the Pacific Leaders Agenda

WP 7.2 Sustainability of the Pacific Climate Change Centre

WP 7.2/Att 1: Sustainability Plan delivering further capacity building programs by the Pacific Climate Change Centre

WP 7.2/Att 2: Pacific Climate Change Centre Partnership Framework for Knowledge Brokerage in the Pacific

WP 7.2/Att 3: Pacifc Climate Change Centre Partnership Framework for Climate Change Research in the Pacific

WP 7.2/Att 4: Strategic Partnership Framework for Climate Change Innovative Solutions

WP 7.3: Mobilising Climate Finance amidst a changing landscape

Agenda Item 8: International and regional engagement

WP 8.1: UNFCCC COP27 outcomes and update on COP28 preparations

WP 8.2: CBD COP15 Roadmap for implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework through 2030

WP 8.3: Report on outcomes of BRS COPS and Preparations Minamata COP

WP 8.4: Update on the International Legally Binding Instrument on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction under the Law of the Sea 

WP 8.5: Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to negotiate an international legally binding instrument to address plastic pollution including the marine environment

Agenda Item 9: Strategic and substantive programmatic matters

WP 9.1: Regional Goal 1: Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to climate change

WP 9.1.1: Climate and Oceans (TK/PIGOOS/COSPPAC)

WP 9.1.2: Pacific Meteorological Council and associated Meeting Outcomes including the Weather Ready Pacific

WP 9.1.2/Att 1: Joint Meeting of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and National Disaster Management Offices 10-11 August 2023, Novotel, Nadi, Fiji

WP 9.1.2/Att 2: Report 6th Pacific Meteorological Council Meeting, Sofitel Resort and Spa, Denarau, Nadi, Fiji Islands (14-16 August 2023)

WP 9.1.2/Att 3: Pacific Partner Coordination Mechanism (PPCM) Concept Note

WP 9.1.2/Att 4: Report Pacific Donor and Development Partners Meeting, Sofitel Resort and Spa, Denarau, Nadi, Fiji Islands, (17th August 2023)

WP 9.1.2/Att 5: Namaka Declaration

WP 9/1/2/Att 6: Report Third Pacific Ministerial Meeting on Meteorology, Sofitel Resort and Spa, Denarau, Nadi, Fiji Islands (18th August 2023)

WP 9.1.3: Reconvening Pacific Climate Change Roundtable

WP 9.1.3/Att 1:

WP 9.2: Overview of Regional Goal 2 - Pacific people benefit from healthy and resilient island and ocean ecosystems

WP 9.2.1: Progressing SPREP Key Marine Activities to 2030

WP 9.2.1/Att 1:

WP 9.2.2: Restoring island resilience - Scaling up invasive species management

WP 9.2.2/Att.1: The Guiding Framework for Invasives Species Management in the Pacific

WP 9.2.3: Host country for 11th Pacific Islands Conference for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in 2025

WP 9.2.3/Att. 1:Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

WP 9.3: Overview of Regional Goal 3: Pacific people benefit from improved waste management and pollution control

WP 9.3.1: Aspirations for a Cleaner Pacific 2035: New Cleaner Pacific 2035, New Pacific Ocean Pollution Prevention Programme 2026 - 2035 (PACPOL 2035) and Review of the Pacific Marine Litter Action Plan 2018-2025

WP 9.3.2: Circular Economy: Unlocking waste as a Resource

WP 9.3.3: Capacity development in the waste and pollution sector: regional programmes for behavioural change and community practice 

WP 9.3.4: Environmentally sound management of chemicals and hazardous waste

WP 9.4: Overview of Regional Goal 4: Pacific people and their environment benefit from commitment to best practice of environmental governance

WP 9.4.1: Harnessing environmental planning and monitoring tools to support environmental governance

WP 9.4.2: Strengthening ocean governance

WP 9.4.3: Scaling up the outcomes and results of the ACP MEA Phase 3 Project

WP 9.4.3/Att 1: Key activities achieved 2021-2022

WP 9.4.3/Att 2: Key activities still to be delivered

Agenda Item 10: Consideration and approval of the 4th PIP 2024-2025 and the 2024-2025 Biennial Work Programme and Budget

WP 10.1 Draft Performance Implementation Plan (PIP) 2024-2025 and Country Territory Strategic Partnership Framework (CTSPF)

WP 10.1/Att 1: PIP 4 (2024-2025) Priority Activities

WP 10.2 2024-2025 Biennial Work Programme and Budget

WP 10.2/Att 1: PIP 4 (2024-2025) Work Programme and Biennial Budget 2024 & 2025

Agenda Item 11: Report of the SPREP Conventions

WP 11.1: Report of the 17th Conference of the Parties to the Noumea Convention

WP 11.1/Att 1: Report of the 17th Conference of the Parties to the Noumea Convention

WP 11.2: Report of the 12th Conference of the Parties to the Waigani Convention

WP 11.2/Att 1: Report of the 12 Conference of the Parties to the Waigani Convention

Agenda Item 12: Other Business

WP 12.1: Endorsing Just Transition to a Fossil Fuel Free Pacific by Government of Vanuatu

WP 12.1/Att 1: Key Messages about the Port Vila Call to Action for a Just Transition to a Fossil Fuel Free Pacific

WP 12.2: Joining the Coalition of Environment Ministers for the inclusion of the Crime of Ecocide into the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Agenda Item 13: Observer Statements

Documents will be available soon!

Agenda Item 14: Dates of the 4th Executive Board Meeting

No working papers

Agenda Item 14: Adoption of the Outcomes of the 31st SPREP Meeting

No working papers

Agenda Item 15: Closing

No working papers



Agenda Item: Ministerial Talanoa

Friday 8th September

Provisional Agenda

Provisional Agenda

1. Welcome


2. Opening with a short prayer from the Honourable Minister (tbc)


3. Introductory remarks


4. Introduction of the Chair the Honourable. Minister of Tokelau


5. Setting the scene


6. Presentation by Stuart Chape (Acting Deputy Director General of Strategic Policy & Technical Programmes & Director of Island and Ocean Ecosystems) – Regional State of Environment and Conservation Report


7. Formal introductions and Keynote Address: Honourable Minister of Tokelau - Chair and Moderator of Panel 1: Ocean and Climate Change.


8. Guest speaker: [Dr Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO] (tbc)
9. Panel 1: Ocean and Climate Change
Each panelist to speak for 10 minutes, followed by a brief discussion and responses. Each respondent to speak for 6 minutes.
10. Session Break (15 minutes)


11. Panel 2: Ocean and Pollution


12. Draft Declaration on Plastics


13. Session Break (15 minutes) - Official virtual photograph


14. Panel 3: Ocean – Deep Sea Mining
15. Youth Representative: Responding to the Ministers High-Level Talanoa


16. Environment Ministers’ High-Level Talanoa Summary: Honourable Minister of Tokelau (Chair)


17. Adoption of the Environment Ministers’ High-Level Talanoa Communique


18. Adoption by acclamation of the 30th SPREP Meeting Outcomes


19. Official close of the 30th SPREP Meeting


20. Pacific Island Environment Leadership Awards (45 minutes)


21. The Honourable Minister of New Caledonia, as the host of the 10th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas will announce the winners for each category accompanied by trophies on display, and special presentation showcasing the winners.



Previous Meetings