Theme “A Resilient Blue Pacific Continent Free of Plastics”
4 - 6 of September 2024 . 12pm - 5pm . Hybrid Event . SPREP Campus . Apia, Samoa
Report of the Fourth (4th) Executive Board Meeting (EBM)
Quatrieme reunion du Conseil executif du PROE
French papers are available for download here
Agenda | Title | Working Papers |
Agenda Item 1 | Opening Prayer | |
Agenda Item 2 | Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair | |
Agenda Item 3 | Adoption of Agenda and Working Procedures | |
Agenda Item 4 | Action Taken on Matters Arising from the 31st SPREP Meeting | |
Agenda Item 5 | Overview and Implementation of the SPREP Strategic Plan 2017 – 2026 | |
5.1 | Presentation of the Annual Report for 2023 and Director General’s Overview of Progress since the 31st SPREP Meeting | WP 5.1 |
5.2 | Strategic outcomes from the 2022/2023 Performance Implementation Plan (PIP): High Level Summary Report | |
Agenda Item 6 | Governance, institutional arrangements, and mechanisms | |
6.1 | Audited Accounts for 2023 | |
6.2 | Audit Committee Report for 2023 | |
6.3 | Report on Members Contribution | |
6.4 | Report of the SPREP Working Group on the 2021 Staff Remuneration Review and the Core Funding Review and Sustainable Financing and Resourcing Strategy | |
6.5 | Report on the review of the 2012 Staff Regulations | WP 6.5 |
6.6 | Preparations of the next SPREP Strategic Plan 2027-2036 | |
6.7 |
SPREP Director General’s Performance Assessment (Closed Session) |
WP 6.7 |
Agenda Item 7 | Regional Cooperation and Strategic Partnerships | |
7.1 | Implementing the Pacific Leaders Agenda Update on the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent implementation • Review of the regional architecture • CROP Strategic Priorities and Coordination |
WP 7.1 |
7.2 | Financing climate change priorities, sustainable development and resilient prosperity in Pacific SIDS | |
7.3 | Pacific Climate Change Centre Progress | WP 7.3 |
Agenda Item 8 | International and regional engagement | |
8.1 | UNFCCC COP28 outcomes and Preparations for COP29 | WP 8.1 |
8.2 | Preparations for CBD COP16 | WP 8.2 |
8.3 | Report on Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm, and Minamata Conventions | WP 8.3 |
8.4 |
Key Outcomes of the Sixth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA6) | WP 8.4 |
8.5 | Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastics Pollution: INC-4 Outcomes and Preparations for INC-5 | WP 8.5 |
Agenda Item 9 | Strategic and substantive programmatic matters | |
9.1 | Regional Goal 1 Overview: Pacific people benefit from strengthened resilience to climate change | WP 9.1 |
9.1.1 | Pacific Climate Change Roundtable Outcomes | |
9.2 | Regional Goal 2 Overview: Pacific people benefit from healthy and resilient island and ocean ecosystems | WP 9.2 |
9.2.1 | Strengthening Regional invasive species focused climate change adaptation and resilience initiatives | WP 9.2.1 |
9.2.2 | Regional Marine Species Programme 2022-2026 implementation | |
9.3 | Regional Goal 3 Overview: Pacific people benefit from improved waste management and pollution control | WP 9.3 |
9.3.1 | Review and update of the Regional strategy to address marine pollution from World War II Wrecks | WP 9.3.1 |
9.4 | Regional Goal 4 Overview: Pacific people and their environment benefit from commitment to best practice of environmental governance | WP 9.4 |
9.4.1 | Establishing a Regional Coordination Mechanism for Sustainable Development in the Region | WP 9.4.1 |
9.4.2 |
SPREP Ocean Governance Framework 2024 - 2026 |
Agenda Item 10 | Consideration and approval of the updated 4th PIP 2024-2025, Country and Territory Strategic Partnership Frameworks (CTSPF) and Supplementary Budget for 2025 | |
10.1 | Updated PIP4 and Country Territory Strategic Partnership Framework (CTSPF) | |
10.2 | 2024-2025 Biennial Work Programme and Budget – Supplementary Budget | |
Agenda Item 11 | Items Proposed by Members | |
Agenda item 12 | Other Business | |
Agenda Item 13 | Dates of the 32nd SPREP Meeting | |
Agenda Item 14 | Adoption of the Outcomes of the Fourth Executive Board Meeting | |
Agenda Item 15 | Closing |