Submitted by audreyp on Mon, 04/04/2022 - 10:20

The PICCF is a 3-day event and will present objective, user-relevant information about the current and future climate as well as actions that agencies, organisations, and institutions are recommended to take to reduce climate-related risks and support sustainable development over the coming decades in the priority sectors.

Day 1 (27 April 2022, 10:00-14:00 WST or 26 April 2022, 21:00 UTC) will focus on the introduction of the Pacific Climate Change Monitor (PCCM), which is similar to the WMO State of the Climate Report. It draws on the latest hydro-meteorological and oceanographic data and information to describe historical climate variability and change in Pacific island countries and territories (PICT) expressed in terms of a fundamental set of indicators. The information will be about the trends in physical, biological, chemical, and ecological observations due to a changing climate is intended to facilitate communication among, and inform decisions of, a broad spectrum of public and private sector stakeholders in various PICT. This information will complement the IPCC report.

Day 2 (28 April 2022, 10:00-14:00 WST or 27 April 2022, 21:00 UTC) will focus on communicating the latest Pacific projections-based science and science-based climate change services that are incorporated into the Monitor. Attention will also be given to demonstrating the practical application of projections-based scientific assessments to inform hazard-based sectoral climate change impact and vulnerability/risk assessments.

Day 3 (29 April 2022, 10:00-14:00 WST or 28 April 2022, 21:00 UTC) will focus on communicating information about observed and expected impact of climate change on the key sectors in the Pacific. This will include a series of storytelling sessions, where representatives from agencies, organisations, and institutions within the region share lessons learned about the use of climate change related data and information to address impacts due to a rapidly changing climate.

Participants must register for the PICCF using this link: 

PICCF is co-organised by SPREP and WMO, with technical support provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), APEC Climate Centre (APCC), Meteo-France, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Pacific Community (SPC) and the University of Hawaii as members of the Pacific Regional Climate Centre (RCC) Network Node for Long-Range Forecasting in partnership with the Pacific Islands Climate Services (PICS) Panel. The latter ensures that the needs of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) in PICT, and their stakeholders are met. Other partners providing support to the event are the Pacific Island Development Program of the East-West Centre (EWC) and the Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Center (PICAC) of the United State Geological Survey (USGS).

Virtual Event
Start Date
Wednesday 27th April 2022
End Date
Friday 29th April 2022