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Finance Officer - Accounts Payable (FOAPA) Readvertisement
For Samoan Nationals and Permanent Residents Only
Previous Applicants need not reapply as all applications received will be considered.

The FOAPA Position exists to:
  • Provide financial services and support as part of the Finance team
Applications Due: Monday 5 September 2016

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YOUNG PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMME Pacific Biodiversity Blue Belt Coordinator
This position exists to:

  • Provide technical, administrative and coordination support to SPREP to implement the Blue Belt project
  • Provide a short-term opportunity for development for a young Pacific islander graduate

Applications Due: Friday, 26 August 2016

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COSPPac Climatology Officer (COSPPac CO)
This position exists to:
  • Transition and maintain COSPPac climate tools and products
  • Support the Pacific Meteorological Desk Partnership (PMDP) and Pacific Island National Meteorological Service

Applications Due: Friday, 2 September 2016

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SPREP Technical Expert And Liaison Officer, Republic of Marshall Islands

Applications are invited for the above position, which will be based in Majuro, in the Office of Environmental Planning & Policy Coordination, Office of the President of the Republic of Marshall Islands.

This job exists to:

  • Provide strategic advice and technical expertise, including coordination and facilitation, on all water issues within the water sector in the North Pacific, as well as providing a liaison function between SPREP and RMI national programmes.

Applications Due: Friday, 12 August 2016

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All enquiries to be directed to:

Mr. Lowell Alik
Office of Environmental Planning & Policy Coordination (OEPPC)
Office of the President
Republic of the Marshall Islands
Ph: (+692) 625-7944/7945
Fax: (+692) 625-3649
Email: [email protected]

And copy to:
Ms. Christine Purcell
Assistant Human Resources Officer,SPREP
Ph: (685) 21929 Ext.328
Email: [email protected]

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Human Resources Adviser (HRA)
This positions exists to:
  • Provide strategic leadership and management of the Human Resources Team
  • Provide strategic advice and services on all Human Resources matters

Applications Due: Friday, 27 May 2016

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Legal Adviser (LA)
This position exists:
  • Provide strategic leadership and management of the Legal Team
  • Provide strategic advice and services on all legal matters

Applications Due: Friday, 27 May 2016

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Monitoring and Evaluation Adviser (MEA)
This position exists to:
  • Lead the design and development of SPREP’s Monitoring &E Evaluation framework and systems and provide ongoing M&E support across the organisation

Applications Due: Friday, 27 May 2016

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Climate Change Institutional Strengthening Adviser (CCISA)
This position exist to:
  • Provide direct climate change policy and technical support to PICs including the development and implementation of strategies, tools and content for training, communications, outreach and knowledge management targeted for a range of audiences.

Applications Due: Friday, 27 May 2016

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COSPPac Capacity Development Officer
This position exists to:
  • Develop communications products related to the COSPPac Climate tools
  • Capacity building for regional National Meteorological Services (NMSs) and relevant stakeholders on climate science and the use of the COSPPac tools.

Applications Due: Friday 25 March 2016

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COSPPac Climate Traditional Knowledge Officer
This position exists to:
  • Transition and maintain COSPPac Traditional Knowledge database and related tools
  • Coordinate the Climate TK efforts in the Pacific Island Countries

Applications Due: Friday 25 March 2016

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