![Cook Islands flag](/sites/default/files/styles/image_190x125/public/flags/cook%20islands.png?itok=AWXnixGG)
The Cook Islands consist of 15 small islands scattered over some 1.8 million sq km of the Pacific ocean. The islands are divided into a Norther Group and a Southern Group. The islands of the Northern Group are : Penrhyn, Manihiki, Pukapuka,…
Adaptation Learning Mechanism [climate change adaptation] country profiles
Cook Islands
Asian Development Bank Country Profiles and Strategies
Cook Islands
Biodiversity Clearinghouse Mechanism websites
Cook Islands
Biosafety Profiles [CBD Biosafety Clearinghouse Mechanism]
Cook Islands
Birdlife [Avifauna] Profiles
Cook Islands
see also Avibase - Bird Checklists of the World - browsable by country and by individual island within the Pacific region - excellent data source
see also Species profiles [*For the Globally Threatened Birds (those evaluated as Critically Endangered, Endangered and Vulnerable), each factsheet contains a summary account, range map and an illustration, plus additional data tables. For Extinct, Extinct in the Wild, Near Threatened, Least Concern and Data Deficient species, each contains a concise summary paragraph and some additional data tables.] [Birdlife International]
Cook Islands
see also Endemic Bird Areas [EBAs] of the Pacific [incl. Aitutaki (secondary area)] see also Pacific regional overview [Birdlife International]
see also Globally Threatened Birds (those evaluated as Critically Endangered, Endangered and Vulnerable) of Oceania [Birdlife International]
see also State of the World's birds website and report [Birdlife International] - including Pacific country case studies
Climate Risk Profile
Cook Islands (2005; 534kb)
Pacific Climate Change Portal (PCCP) (NEW)
Earthtrends Thematic Country Profiles [WRI]
Agriculture and food, Biodiversity and protected areas, Climate and atmosphere, Coastal and marine ecosystems, Economics, business and the environment, Energy and resources, Environmental governance and institutions, Forests, grasslands and drylands, Population, health and human well-being, Water resources and freshwater ecosystems.
Ecoregion Profiles [World Wildlife Fund]
Tropical Moist Forests
Central Polynesian [Kiribati, Cook Islands] , Cook Islands
Environment Statistics - Country Snapshots [UN; 2009]
Cook Islands
Environmental Vulnerability Index - Country Profiles [SOPAC / UNEP]
Cook Islands
see also EU Country Partnership Profiles [incl. environment and EDF10 strategies]
Cook Islands
FAO Country Profiles and Mapping Information System
Cook Islands
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Country Profiles
Cook Islands
Fishbase Biodiversity Country Profiles (all fish)
Cook Islands
Fisheries Resources Profiles
Cook Islands (1993;1.55mb)
Forestry Country Profiles
Forestry Department Country Profiles [FAO]
Cook Islands
see also FAO Forest Resource Assessment : Country Reports [2010]
Cook Islands (2010; 307kb)
see also FAO Forest Resources Assessments - Data collection for the Pacific region [2000]
Cook Islands
see also State of the World's Forests 2007: Asia and the Pacific [FAO] (2008; 1.77mb)
see alsoTropical and subtropical forest profiles prepared by the World Wildlife Fund
Global Biodiversity Information Forum [GBIF] Country Profiles
Cook Islands
see also GBIF Google Earth Country Links
Cook Islands
Global Environment Facility (GEF) Country Profiles
Use the drop down menu to go to the individual profiles - includes GEF-4 Allocation and Utilization , Approved Projects and Projects Under Preparation
Integrated Water Resource Management Profiles [SOPAC]
Cook Islands
Invasive Species : Country Profiles [ISSG]
Search the Invasive Species Battlers Resource Base (NEW)
see also PIER reports on invasive species in Pacific islands:
Cook Islands
Laws and legislation
SPREP National Laws and Legislation clearinghouse
Cook Islands
see also 'Legislative reviews' in Country Reports (below)
Mangrove and Wetlands Profiles
Wetlands in Oceania - country profiles and wetlands information [UNEP-WCMC] - Cook Islands
see also: A Directory of Wetlands in Oceania [1993]
see also: Wetlands of the Pacific Island Region (2008; 882kb)
see also: IWMI Global Wetlands - Interactive Web Map Server - includes countries of Oceania
Marine Resource Profiles
Cook Islands (?; 1.24kb) see also Cook Islands [MMR website]
see also:
State of the marine environment in the South Pacific Region (1990; 3.48mb)
see also:
Reefbase Country Profiles (coral reefs, reef fish, biodiversity)
Cook Islands
see also GIS data for corals in the Pacific from Reefbase - browse by country and reef profile
see also GIS data for marine protected areas in the Pacific from Reefbase - browse by country and ecosystem
see also:
Status of Coral Reef Systems of the World: 2008 (2008; 20mb)
Chapter 13 - Status of Coral Reefs in Polynesia Mana Node Countries: Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Niue, Kiribati, Tonga, Tokelau and Wallis and Futuna (2008; 1.85mb)
see also:
MPA Global Profiles (marine protected areas database)
Cook Islands
see also Millennium Coral Reef Mapping - South Pacific products
IMARS Geomorphological classification is publicly available on the University of South Florida web site from http://www.imars.usf.edu/MC/output_south_pacific.html . Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Tonga, Samoa, New Caledonia, Cook Is, French Polynesia and East Solomon are there (PNG will hopefully be coming shortly). Files are distributed as Shapefiles (ArcGIS) and can be opened in MapInfo.
Mapservers containing country level data on land utilisation, forestry, minerals etc.
Cook Islands
Millenium Development Goals - Country Profiles
Cook Islands
National Communications Support Programme [Climate] Profiles [UNDP]
Cook Islands
Pacific Biodiversity Information Forum Country Data:
Cook Islands
Pacific Regional information System - PRISM [SPC]
Environmental and Climate Statistics
Cook Islands
Political Reviews [Contemporary Pacific]
Cook Islands
Pacific Islands Protected Areas Portal (PIPAP) (NEW)
National Parks and Conservation Areas - Cook Islands
Protected Plant - Search the World Database on Protected Areas
Protected area profiles in the Cook Islands
Reefbase GIS data for Marine Protected Areas in the Pacific - Cook Islands
see also GIS data for Marine Protected Areas in the Pacific - browse by country and ecosystem
SocMon profles (Socioeconomic Monitoring Initiative for Coastal Management) - Pacific
Rotterdam Convention
SPREP Country Profiles: Exchange of Information by Members at SPREP Annual Meetings:
- Exchange of information by Members on National Developments related to Natural Resource Management Priority of the Action Plan [2007]
see Agenda Item 6.1: Country Profiles of the Report and record of the 18th SPREP Meeting of Officials in Apia, Samoa on 11th to 14th September 2007
- Exchange of information by Members on national developments related to Pollution Prevention priority of the SPREP Action Plan [2008]
see Agenda Item 8.6: Country Profiles of the Report and record of the19th SPREP Annual Meeting of Officials in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia on 8–12 September 2008
- Exchange of Information by Members on National Developments Related to the Climate Change Focus Area of the SPREP Action Plan [2009]
see Agenda Item 11.2: Country Profiles of the Report and record of the 20th SPREP Annual Meeting of Officials in Apia, Samoa on 17 - 20 November 2009
- Exchange of Information by Members on Year of Biodiversity [2010]
see Agenda Item 11.3: Country Profiles of the Report and record of the 21st SPREP Meeting of Officials in Madang, Papua New Guinea on 6-10 September 2010
see also individual profiles for: Wallis and Futuna
Sustainable Development Profiles (UN Agenda 21)
Cook Islands
Threatened species: Summary of species on the 2008 IUCN Red List
Cook Islands
UNCCD Country Profiles [land degradation]:
Cook Islands
UNEP Country Profiles [* poorly maintained and little information available]
Cook Islands
Water Resource Profiles [SOPAC - Pacific water - http://www.pacificwater.org/]
Cook Islands
see also "Pacific Regional Consultation on Water in Small Island Countries" - country briefing papers (2003)
Cook Islands
WHO Environmental Health Profiles
Cook Islands
World Factbook Country Profiles [CIA]
Cook Islands
World Ocean Database 2005 [NOAA]
Geographically sorted data for the Pacific Ocean [datasets]
see also Environmental indicators: South Pacific (UNEP: 2004; 6.23mb)
see also Polynesia / Micronesia Biodiversity Hotspot Ecosystem Profile (2007; 1.16mb)
see also Cook Islands Biodiversity Website and Database
see also Paciifc Biodiversity Information Forum website and databases
State of Forest and Tree Genetic Resources: Cook Islands (1999; 24kb)
Invasive Species
National Invasive Species Strategy:Cook Islands (2002; 1.64mb)
Invasive alien species in the Austral-Pacific region: national reports and directory of resources [GISP] (2002; Invasives Species on Pacific Islands [reports] - HEAR / PIER project website
Millenium Ecosystem Assessment Website and Reports
National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plans (NBSAP)
Cook Islands (2002; 1.12mb)
National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans: Pacific Regional Review (2007; 269kb)
Action Plans for Sea Turtle Migration: Cook Islands (2010; 162kb)
Turtle Project 2011 Annual Report: Monitoring the distribution, Population Structure and Status of Sea turtles in the Cook Islands (2011, 9MB)
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (Land Degradation) (UNCCD)
National Reports: 2nd report: Cook Islands (2002; 2.35mb)
see also UNCCD Country Profiles:Cook Islands
see also UNCCD Reports clearinghouse mechanism
Climate Change
Pacific Climate Change Portal (NEW)
Climate Risk Profiles
Cook Islands (2005; 534kb)
Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 (SPC): Cook Islands (2009; 240KB)
Pacific Regional Energy Assessment: Country Reports (PIREP): Cook Islands (2004; 1.43kb)
Regional overview report (2004; 2.59mb)
Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change [PACC]
Cook Islands
Report of in-country consultations: Cook Islands (2009; 175kb)
Sea Level & Climate: their present state: Country reports
Cook Islands (2006; 2.07mb); 2007 (2MB) ; 2008 (2MB) ; 2009 (2.4MB) ; 2010 (2.2MB)
Thematic Assessment Reports:
Biodiversity / Climate Change / Land Degradation: Cook Islands (2007;1.22mb)
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
(i) National Communications and In-depth Reviews
Cook Islands (2000; 1.66mb)
United Nations Development Programme Country Programme Action Plans [CPAP]:
Cook Islands (2008; 2.29mb)
Environmental Monitoring and Governance / Sustainable Development
Barbados Programme of Action + 10 (BPoA)
National Assessment Reports: Cook Islands (2003; 315kb)
Pacific Environment Outlook (2005; 30.99mb)
Legislative Reviews
Cook Islands (1992; 14.82mb)
Millenium Development Goals National Reports
Cook Islands (2005; 1.29mb)
Pacific Islands Regional MDG - Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability (2004; 324kb)
Pacific Islands Regional MDG Full Report
see also ADB Key Indicators 2006 for progress towards Millenium Development Goal 7: ensuring environmental sustainability (2006)
National Environment Strategic Action Framework (NESAF)
Cook Islands 2005-2009 (2004; 2.23mb)
National Environment Management Strategy (NEMS)
Cook Islands (1993; 9.9mb)
National Capacity Self Assessment (NCSA)
Inception Reports: Cook Islands (2005; 1.38mb)
Stocktake Reports: Cook Islands (2005; 2.81mb)
Cross-cutting Analysis: Cook Islands (2007; 1.08mb)
Action Plans: Cook Islands (2008; 3.34mb)
NCSA Status (NCSA website): Cook Islands
State of the Environment Reports
Cook Islands SPREP 1992; 2018 (brochure)
see also Cook Islands priority environmental problems (PEC) report : a review and assessment of the priority environmental concerns (2004; 563kb)
see also State of the Environment of the South Pacific 1983 (UNEP: 1983; 1.66mb)
see also State of the marine environment in the South Pacific Region (1990; 3.48mb)
see also State of the Environment of the South Pacific 2005 (2005; 382kb; see also ~ http://www.unescap.org/esd/environment/soe/2005/mainpub/ ~)
see also Regional perspectives: Asia and the Pacific (UNEP, GEO-4. 2007; 382 kb)
see also the archive of SPREP Country Reports between 1980-1983 as follows:
Cook Islands (1980; 409kb)
Country Strategy Papers and National Indicative Programmes [European Union - EDF9]
Cook Islands (2002-2007; 500kb)
Country Strategy Papers and National Indicative Programmes [European Union - EDF10]
Cook Islands (2008-2013; 2.05mb)
National [Sustainable] Development Plans / Strategies
Cook Islands 2006-2010 (2006; 632kb) / Cook Islands 2007-2010 (2006; 460kb)
National Assessment Reports: Cook Islands (2006; 156kb)
ADB Reports: Cook Islands (2003; 1.38mb)
ADB Economic Reviews: Cook Islands (2000; 65kb)
SPC Country Joint Country Stategies in support of National Strategies for Sustainable Development :
Cook Islands
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED: Brazil, 1992)
Country Reports : Cook Islands (1992; 3.63mb)
World Summit on Sustainable Development [Rio+10 - Johannesburg 2002]
National Assessment Reports:
Cook Islands (2002; 594kb)
Pacific WSSD Regional Assessment (2002; 91kb) and Pacific Position Paper (2004; 91kb)
see also: Synthesis Report for Asia and the Pacific (2001; 1.22mb)
Waste & Pollution Control
National Waste Strategies
Cook Islands (2004 ; 1.42mb)
Pacific Regional Consultation on Water in Small Island Countries - Country briefings
Cook Islands (2003; 161kb)
Peristant Organic Pollutants (POPs): Country Plans
Cook Islands (2003; 431kb)
Preventive Infrastructure Master Plans
Strengthening Disaster Management and Mitigation:
Cook Islands (2007; 4.24mb)
Priority Environmental Concerns (PECs) Reports
Cook Islands (2004; 563kb)
Ships' Waste Management in Pacific Islands Ports: Country reports
Cook Islands
Reports available online from the SPREP Library and IRC database
Reports available online from SOPAC [Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission]
Reports available online from ReefBase Pacific
search also SPC Coastal and Oceanic Fisheries Digital Library
Cook Islands Environment Service ;
Cook Islands Ministry of Agriculture;
Cook Islands Ministry of Marine Resources
Cook islands Meteorological Office
Cook Islands Biodiversity and Natural heritage website
The biodiversity database lists around 4,200 species (Jan 2007), which includes most of the species known to experts and recorded in publications. Includes images, sound and video.
Cook Islands Environment News
"In this section we present stories on the environment. From global issues such as climate change, to local issues such as renewable energy and the state of our lagoon; Cook Islands News endeavors to be at the forefront of the fight to protect our land and waters by bringing our readers the latest news and views."
Te Ipukarea Society Inc. [Cook Islands Environmental NGO ]
Topographical maps of the Cook Islands
Pacific Climate Futures Tool
see also:
The Pacific Environment Information Network [PEIN] Regional Frameworks and Strategies Directory [SPREP]
SPREP Library and IRC collection [SLIC] - includes online full text access to a wide range of Pacific environment materials.
Pacific Environment Databases and Recommended Internet Resources
see also:
SPREP's International Instruments' webpage
"International instruments relevant to SPREP's work in the areas of Sustainable Economic Development, Ecosystems Management, Climate Change, and Waste Management."
Academic literature and research