Biodiversity Conservation
12 December 2016, CBD COP13, Cancun Mexico -There are 20 Aichi Targets in all, endorsed at the tenth Conference of the Parties to the CBD in Nagoya, Japan in 2010. They help to meet five different strategic goals which aim to reduce the loss of biodiversity by the year 2020. Each day during the CBD COP13 we'll be sharing one of the Targets with you and examples of how the Pacific islands are meeting these. –#PacificProtectedAreas

Strategic Goal B: Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use
Target 10: By 2015, the multiple anthropogenic pressures on coral reefs, and other vulnerable ecosystems impacted by climate change or ocean acidification are minimised, so as to maintain their integrity and functioning.
Coral Reef Lagoon, Vanua Levu, Fiji. Photo - Stuart Chape
"The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Proramme (SPREP), in partnership with the Pacific Community and the University of the South Pacific, and support from New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Principality of Monaco, is working with Pacific island countries to build resilience to ocean acidification in coastal communities and ecosystems through the Pacific Partnership on Ocean Acidification project.
Ocean acidification, which is driven by the ocean absorbing excess atmospheric carbon, poses a direct threat to the marine resources such as coral reefs and sea shells. It will also have direct and indirect impacts on Pacific island coastal and pelagic ecosystems. The project developed a Pacific Islands Ocean Acidification Vulnerability Assessment report to provide Pacific island communities insight into the future changes in ocean chemistry and key vulnerabilities.
The ocean acidification project is currently focusing on pilot sites in Fiji, Kiribati, Tokelau, and Vanuatu, and will work to build local and national capacity to reduce local stressors such as over fishing and land-based pollution so as to give coastal ecosystems a fighting chance under future conditions." – Dr Tommy Moore, Pacific Islands Global Ocean Observing System Officer, SPREP

Strategic Goal B: Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use
Target 10: By 2015, the multiple anthropogenic pressures on coral reefs, and other vulnerable ecosystems impacted by climate change or ocean acidification are minimised, so as to maintain their integrity and functioning.

"The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Proramme (SPREP), in partnership with the Pacific Community and the University of the South Pacific, and support from New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Principality of Monaco, is working with Pacific island countries to build resilience to ocean acidification in coastal communities and ecosystems through the Pacific Partnership on Ocean Acidification project.
Ocean acidification, which is driven by the ocean absorbing excess atmospheric carbon, poses a direct threat to the marine resources such as coral reefs and sea shells. It will also have direct and indirect impacts on Pacific island coastal and pelagic ecosystems. The project developed a Pacific Islands Ocean Acidification Vulnerability Assessment report to provide Pacific island communities insight into the future changes in ocean chemistry and key vulnerabilities.
The ocean acidification project is currently focusing on pilot sites in Fiji, Kiribati, Tokelau, and Vanuatu, and will work to build local and national capacity to reduce local stressors such as over fishing and land-based pollution so as to give coastal ecosystems a fighting chance under future conditions." – Dr Tommy Moore, Pacific Islands Global Ocean Observing System Officer, SPREP