General News

9 September 2024, Apia, Samoa - The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme(SPREP) and Monash University have strengthened their cooperation for the protection of the Pacific environment, by the signing of a five-year partnership through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). 

The signing was held on 9 September 2024, at the Pacific Climate Change Centre on the margins of the Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Sixteenth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological (CBD COP16). 

SPREP Director General, Mr Sefanaia Nawadra and Monash University Associate Professor, Dr Susie Ho signed the agreement signifying what is anticipated to be a long-term partnership and collaboration between the two organisations and has a cross-cutting focus across the four core functions of the Secretariat.  

The agreement is aimed at ensuring collaboration in developing and strengthening systems, institutions, organisations and individuals concerned with the protection of the Pacific environment and promotes collaborative efforts in awareness raising, capacity building activities and implementation of global, regional and international priorities in relation to the environment.

Mr Nawadra expressed his gratitude to the University for their commitment to the Pacific through the Secretariat. “The partnership will seek to implement joint activities that are consistent with the priorities of SPREP member countries, adding value to SPREP’s ongoing support to its members subject to the respective mandate, objectives, functions, policies, capacities and procedures of both Parties”.

“SPREP looks forward to successful outcomes from this partnership with Monash University especially on joint initiatives that are complementary to the Secretariat’s ongoing regional efforts to assist our Member countries to achieve a healthy, sustainable and resilient environment”, he said. 

For the past few years, the Secretariat and Monash University have informally collaborated through the Monash University’s Global Immersion Guarantee (GIG) Programme. The GIG is a funded, two-week overseas experience for all Monash University students at the end of their first year of study where they begin applying theoretical knowledge to real-world issues through engagement with local leaders in Pacific Island countries that are already working on some of the world’s most challenging issues.

In this backdrop, SPREP found great value in the engagement with the GIG Programme, specifically through providing students with unique and timely insights into current and emerging environmental challenges faced by the region and the ongoing work of the Secretariat to formulate and implement sustainable solutions, framed in the Pacific context.
Monash University’s Dr Ho highlighted the successes of the GIG programme and promising future collaborations between the two organisations. “Monash University has worked closely with a fantastic team at the Secretariat to bring the GIG Programme to life in Samoa. The nature of the collaboration has empowered our students to think about old challenges in new and innovative ways, build networks, skills and capabilities to develop solutions in different cultural and disciplinary settings”, said Dr Ho.
“We are excited to see what our collaboration holds for the future, with the expertise and commitment of SPREP in accelerating the protection and preservation of our shared environmental values, our partnership will grow and evolve.” 

Monash University is a leading research university, and their applied research covers key areas that are a priority for SPREP members. SPREP will leverage the strengths of Monash University in applied research to complement and assist evidence-based decision making for environmental management in the Pacific islands’ region.