Climate Change Resilience
The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) hosted students from Tafua School in Savaii, Samoa who have been selected to attend the Children's Climate Conference in Sweden, this month. The students will be representing the entire Pacific region at the Conference.

It will be the very first time the two Year 8 students, aged 12 and 13, will travel outside of Samoa, they are very excited by the upcoming event that will unite them with over 40 school children from around the world.

Visit Sweden1Members of the SPREP Team with the Principal and students of Tafua School

They are thankful to the Government of Sweden for this opportunity. Their selection is based upon long standing ties between Sweden and their village.

"Many years ago we had visitors from Sweden who worked with our village to help us to take better care of our village, they were bestowed with Chiefly titles from us and we have since maintained this bond of friendship with Sweden," said Mr Tele'a Ta'a'au, Principal of Tafua Primary School.

"It's a great opportunity for us to take part in this coming conference, especially as our village is so isolated, we are very thankful."

The Childrens Climate Conference will be held in Sodertalje, Sweden from 25 to 28 November. Helping them to prepare for the event, SPREP organised a briefing for the students on climate change and environmental issues and provided them with brochures and other information.

"We at SPREP see the future as being in your hands," said Mr. David Sheppard, Director General of SPREP, when talking to the students, "you must be involved and have your say".

"And as such it is our role to help you with your big adventure ahead, one in which you will be representing the children of our Pacific islands. We are always available to assist our partners and our future generation to bring about better outcomes for our Pacific environment."

SPREP hosted the Swedish Ambassador to Samoa H.E Mr Pär Ahlberger as well as the Swedish Climate Cartoon exhibition this month and looks forward to working together with Sweden on climate change and other areas of mutual interest.

Visit Sweden2

This will be the very first time the students are participating in an international workshop, not only are they looking forward to meeting other school students their age from around the world, the journey ahead will also be a time for them to experience many 'firsts'.

"I am very excited to be going to Sweden, after our visit to SPREP I have a lot more information to help me talk about climate change," said 13 year old Elena Ioane.

"I am also really excited, this will be my first time on a plane and having spent time with the SPREP staff, I also feel more confident to talk about climate change at the conference," said Ms. Nerissa Feagaiga aged 12 also in Year 8 of Tafua Primary School.

The students along with their Principal met with Mr. David Sheppard, the Director-General of SPREP, Ms. Miraneta Williams-Hazleman the Manager of the Information Resource Centre and Archives, Mr. Sunny Seuseu the Climate Predictions Services Coordinator, Ms. Nanette Woonton the Media and Public Relations Officer of SPREP and Ms. Audrey Brown-Pereira the Executive Officer

For more information on the Childrens Climate Conference please visit