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Generic Plenary

By Makereta Komai, Editor PACNEWS
2 September, Apia, Samoa - Two days into the 3rd Small Island Developing States (SIDS) conference, financial pledges of US$1.4 billion have been made towards the implementation of the SAMOA Pathway, the final outcome of the Samoa meeting.

The SIDS Accelerated Modalities for Action (SAMOA Pathway) is the blueprint for the sustainable development of Small Island Developing Countries.

Conference spokesman, Nikhil Seth said promises of financing and technical assistance have been made through bilateral discussions and pledges by Leaders at the plenary session.

"This is a very significant amount of money pledged. It clearly indicates the mood of genuine partnership taking place here in Apia. It's a new era for SIDS and augurs well for genuine and durable partnerships.

"Some of these financial pledges have been directed towards fisheries, maritime navigation for Pacific Island Countries, and hydrological survey by Australia and many others, revealed Seth at a media briefing Tuesday.

These are new pledges for the implementation of the SAMOA Pathway and are in addition to earlier promises of funds through the existing United Nations Climate Change financing mechanisms, the Green Climate Fund and the Global Environment Fund, available to SIDS and Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
Nikhil Seth at the Rio+20, Photo by Jenny Rockett

Seth said the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, wants to ensure promises of financing secured in Samoa should be followed through and implemented.

"He wants to make sure that these promises are realised and has pledged the support of the UN system in ensuring the Pathway is implemented, explained Seth.

Small Island Developing Countries know too well and have been at the receiving end of broken promises from billions of dollars in climate change adaptation and mitigation funds.

"You put the finger on the exact problem. These pledges need to be honored. We are setting up a robust mechanism to make sure these promises are realised, said Seth.

There is suggestion that pledges of partnership for SIDS should be an agenda of the United Nations High Political Forum.

At the end of day two, over 4,000 delegates from 112 countries have registered for the four day conference. Eight Heads of State and 13 Prime Ministers from 96 countries have confirmed their attendance.