17 December 2024 – The Weather Ready Pacific (WRP) Programme is gaining momentum as it enters its implementation phase, with a three-day workshop conducted last week to set out the development objectives and priority activities for the programme.
Pacific island countries are some of the most vulnerable countries to extreme weather events such as tropical cyclones, flooding, and storm surges. Over the years, the intensity and frequency of these extreme events have only increased and have been exacerbated by the impacts of climate change.
The Pacific region’s location and isolation, plus the limited capacity and resources, makes planning and preparing to respond to these extreme weather events significantly challenging. As a result, the Pacific Meteorological Council adopted the WRP programme, which was endorsed by Pacific leaders at the Pacific Island Forum Leaders Meeting in 2021.
The three-day stakeholder workshop hosted by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) through the WRP Programme brought together stakeholders from around the region, including Pacific National Meteorological and Hydrological Services Directors, National Disaster Management Offices, as well as Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, SPREP, the Pacific Community and other technical partners.
The WRP programme is a Pacific-led initiative which aims to enhance the resilience of the Pacific region by helping countries adapt to the impacts of climate change, while reducing the human and economic toll of severe weather, water, and ocean-related events. It is to be the primary vehicle for delivering the Early Warnings for All (EW4All) initiative in the Pacific.
DFAT Australia as a development partner has recognised the potential of the WRP programme, and have thus announced that they have committed a total investment of AUD 30 million. An initial AUD 3 million grant has been provided to SPREP, as the lead implementing agency, to establish the Programme Management Unit (PMU).
According to the Weather Ready Programme Manager, Mr. ‘Ofa Fa’anunu, SPREP is collaborating with the Government of Australia to unlock the remaining AUD 27 million through a design-implement pathway, with a further grant arrangement expected by February 2025.
“With February 2025 fast approaching, it was imperative for SPREP and the WRP programme to convene this workshop as soon as possible,” Mr. Fa’anunu said.
“We received invaluable input and guidance from our Pacific Met Directors and key partners from NDMOs, SPREP and SPC in identifying priority activities to utilise the DFAT funds, as well as agreeing on clear pathways for the next steps of the programme,” he added.
The PMU has prioritised several activities over the coming months, including a review of the technical design aligned with the EW4All initiative, development of a Key Results Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting, and Learning (MERL) Framework, and a Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) analysis. The highest priority is unlocking the Australian funds to initiate full implementation.
For more information, please contact Mr. ‘Ofa Fa’anunu, WRP Programme Manager, at [email protected].