Climate Change Resilience
Kosrae, FSM and Tuvalu were the host for several workshops held in June and July to help mainstream climate change and related disaster risks into policy, decision making and related budgetary processes.

The Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) workshops under the Pacific Cost Benefit Analysis Initiativefurther enhanced the capacity of Government Officials in Kosrae and Tuvalu to conduct and use CBA's to prepare quality CBA reports to help inform selection and design of 'climate-resilient' projects in food security and infrastructure sectors.
Photo: Participants mentoring support workshop looking at cost-benefit analysis studies of water improvement and coastal zone management in Kosrae (FSM) February

The CBA workshops ran concurrently with the Monitoring and Evaluation(M&E) workshops held in both countries. These workshops focused on enhancing the capacity within the Government to formulate, implement and use M&E so that Government planning and related budgetary decisions incorporate climate change and related risk considerations.

In addition a workshop on the application of the Central Agency Appraisal mainstreaming tool was also conducted in Kosrae in June 2015. The workshop was well-received by participants and was aimed at strengthening the capacity of central Government agencies to prepare quality appraisal advice on new project proposals taking into account climate change and related disaster risks.

The SPCR-PR Components 1 and 3 are being implemented by SPREP and ADB withClimate Investment Fund support.