Climate Change Resilience
Agreement to continue the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience beyond the scheduled end date of 20 June, 2016 was made during discussions between the Asian Development Bank and SPREP. The PPCR is now 17 months into its design and implementation phase. The aim of the PPCR is to enable learning by sharing of lessons at country, regional and global levels by piloting approaches for integration of climate risk and resilience into development policies and also to strengthen capacities at the national level to integrate climate resilience into development planning.

The team from SPREP consisting of Dr. Pelesikoti and Mr. Kosi Latu met with Ms. Hanna Uusimaa to discuss progress of the project, for which several suggestions were raised for consideration. One suggestion being the option for a joint proposal to the Green Climate Fund to help continue the ADB and SPREP partnership as well as scope to replicate work on mainstreaming climate change in FSM and Tuvalu to other member countries. In addition it was raised that work gone into the operationalisation of The Regional Technical Support Mechanism to assist member countries with technical support required more time to realise its full potential.

Kiribati-Tarawa-Carlo Iacovino SPREP

This visit by the Asian Development Bank team also led to a capacity development initiative for SPREP staff through a presentation on ADB procurement policies and procedures for goods and services conducted by ADB's Principal Procurement Specialist Galia Ismakova. The specific application of ADB procurement rules to the Strategic Program for Climate Resilience: Pilot Program for Climate Resilience -Pacific Regional Track (SPCR: PPCR: PRT) were outlined in this presentation. This was followed by a presentation from Ms Veronica Levi of the PPCR, detailing the SPREP ADB program Procurement Plan.

The visit which took place in April provided the opportunity for Ms. Hanna Uusimaa to work together with the SPCR PPCR team to ensure to milestones and timelines of the project continue on schedule.

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