After an invasive species arrives in a new place, it needs to survive and reproduce, establish a population, and spread, before impacts are noticed. By the time impacts are obvious, the control or eradication of invasive species can be difficult and expensive or sometimes impossible. The purpose of this programme is to prevent or detect the arrival of invasive species and stop their establishment, spread and impacts.
The clean boats, clean ports framework guides the programme. The framework defines actions needed to detect the arrival and prevent the establishment and spread of invasive species within Pacific island countries and territories.
Leading Technical Partners
1. Pacific Biosecurity
Pacific Biosecurity is the lead PRISMSS technical partner for this regional programme with support from the Pacific Community (SPC). Established in 2013, Pacific Biosecurity is an initiative of Wellington UniVentures based at Victoria University of Wellington. The Pacific Biosecurity team has extensive experience and success in collaborating with regional organisations and in-country partners to enhance people's environmental well-being through conservation and pest / invasive species prevention and management throughout the Pacific. The Pacific Biosecurity Unit has been working on the research and management of invasive ants and biosecurity in the Pacific for over 15 years. Countries have included French Polynesia, Kiribati, Samoa, Tokelau and Tuvalu.
For more information on past and current projects, please visit
2. Pacific Community (SPC)
SPC is the region’s mandated coordinator for national biosecurity and leads representation of the region at international levels. Founded in 1947, SPC provides in-depth support for the mandated in-country biosecurity teams through the Pacific Plant Protection Organisation (PPPO) and works closely with National Plant Protection Officers (NPPOs).The Pacific Community (SPC), Land Resources Division (LRD) Biosecurity and Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) team works collaboratively with the National Plant Protection Organizations’ (NPPO’s) in the PICT’s in the region in regards to national Biosecurity legislation, Pest Risk and Import Risk Assessments, Biosecurity surveillance, early detection and response, National Reporting Obligations (NRO’s) on Sanitary capturing both terrestrial and aquatic species and Phytosanitary (Plant pest and diseases) issues.
The SPC Biosecurity team also assist member countries in plant pest and diseases surveillance in which all authenticated identifications are logged into to the Pest List Database (PLD), with the approvals from relevant NPPO’s. The team also assists countries with Pest Risk Assessments (PRA’s) that are used for Market access requests and Import Risk Assessments (IRA’s) to develop Import conditions to help address biosecurity threats linked to imports. The team also carries out capacity building for NPPO’s on Pre-border, Border and Post Border activities and how to do assessments and relevant biosecurity treatments to address these biosecurity transboundary risks. The PPPO secretariat is housed within the SPC LRD Biosecurity team and it also represents PPPO members to the RPPO, IPPC and OIE international bodies.
Battler Series |
Clean boats, clean ports framework to guide the Protect Our Islands programme in terms of defining actions needed to detect the arrival and prevent the establishment and spread of invasive species. |
Battler Series to protect our islands with biosecurity because many invasive plants are successful by producing large numbers of seeds easily transported by wind, water and animals. For more information please visit the Battler Resource Base (BRB) |
Battler Series for Catch it Early: Invasive Species Early Detection and Rapid Response. Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) systems are the first line of defence against invasive species once they have penetrated national or inter-island biosecurity systems. For more information please visit the Battler Resource Base (BRB) |
Battler Series to Manage marine biosecurity in the Pacific. Invasive marine species are organisms that are introduced to parts of the world where they do not naturally occur and which have negative impacts on people, the environment, or resources. For more information please visit the Battler Resource Base (BRB) |
Toolkits |
Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) Toolkit Pacific Marine Biosecurity Toolkit Pacific Invasive Ant Toolkit (PIAT) |
Do YOU need assistance?
To request technical assistance for the "Protect Our Islands" Regional Programme, please complete the PRISMSS Request Form or email for any queries.
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