Compiled by the SPREP IRC and Library the Pacific Environment Information Network [PEIN] Regional Frameworks and Strategies Directory is a browsable directory of regional environment frameworks, strategies and action plans. The intention of the PEIN Regional Frameworks and Strategies Directory is to provide a browsable access point for the range of regional strategic planning frameworks produced by the various institutions active in the Pacific. It is intended to compliment the tables of legal documents, instruments, conventions and treaties maintained by the SPREP Legal Advisor. Contributions of documents, whether in hardcopy or digital form are welcome and can be sent to
[*Note that many of the documents below are large pdf files and may be difficult to load. Some pdf files may only be compatible with version 6.0 of adobe acrobat or higher. The issue should be resolved by upgrading to the latest Adobe Reader software. The Reader version 8 is free software available on the Adobe website at
Documents can be requested from