
The primary aim and goal of this project is for SPREP to strengthen Pacific Island Countries in realizing their commitments towards the UNFCCC and COP21 Paris Agreement, by supporting country driven requests for NDC-related support, as well as training and capacity building on topics related to NDC implementation.

Project detail
Short Name
NDC Assist II - Strengthening NDC Financing and Implementation

To support activities related to NDC implementation in selected PICs, based on countries' identified needs and SPREP's expertise. Furthermore, trainings and workshops will be provided to support knowledge, peer to peer exchange, and best practices for NDC implementation in the region. Finally, the action aims to highlight countries' ambitious climate action at regional and international events. This primary aim will be achieved through the NDC Hub, in close collaboration with all implementing partners of the NDC Hub (GGGI, SPC and GIZ).

Additionally, funding that is commissioned by MFAT aims to enable SPREP to contribute towards indicators 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1 through the following activities:
* SPRE can provide support for three (3) country requests especially in the areas of expertise already included in Sections 1 and 2 of the project proposal
* SPREP can host one (1) training on a topic which is relevant to PIC's NDC implementation and which relates to SPREP's technical expertise
* SPREP can host one (1) event, highlighting PIC's ambitious climate leadership

Start Date
End Date
Project Location