Potential impacts of projected sea-level rise on Pacific island states (Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga and Western Samoa) : a preliminary report
Potential impacts of projected sea-level rise on Pacific island states (Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga and Western Samoa) : a preliminary report
Socio - economic effects of the evolution of Nile perch fisheries in lake Victoria ; a review
Socio - economic effects of the evolution of Nile perch fisheries in lake Victoria ; a review
Predator prey relationships, population d'ynamics and fisheries productivities of large African lakes
Predator prey relationships, population d'ynamics and fisheries productivities of large African lakes
FFA / ICOD Maritime Boundary Delimitation Workshop Apia - Samoa = August 22 - 30 / 1988
FFA / ICOD Maritime Boundary Delimitation Workshop Apia - Samoa = August 22 - 30 / 1988