SPREP wishes to call for tenders from qualified and experienced consultants who can offer their services to coordinate the implementation of the Pacific Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change (PEBACC+) project in New Caledonia and Wallis & Futuna.
Objet: Coordination du projet PEBACC + en Nouvelle-Calédonie et à Wallis-et-Fu-tuna, RELANCE
Le PROE souhaite lancer un appel d’offre auprès de consultant.e.s qualifié.e.s et expéri-menté.e.s qui pourraient apporter leurs services pour la coordination de la mise en oeuvre du projet PEBACC+ en Nouvelle-Calédonie et à Wallis-et-Futuna.
Previous applicants do not need to re-apply as all applications received will be considered.
Cut off time for tender is midnight Apia, Samoa local time.
Clarification Date
Due Date