We welcome your support in amplifying our Pacific voice at COP26 this year. You can access all information at your fingertips through our Moana Blue Pacific App on your phone.
Through this platform, you can find out more about what is being done to highlight our Pacific islands at COP26:
- Meet our Pacific High-Level Champions for COP26
- Flex for 1.5 Digital Campaign
- Moana Blue Pacific Side Events
- Moana Blue Pacific Office Space
- Moana Blue Pacific Meeting Room
- Mana Moana Pacific Voices
- Our Pacific in the News
Malo ‘Aupito, Thank you, Fakaue Lahi and Meitaki Ma’ata for joining us on this journey.
Meet our Pacific High-Level Champions for COP26
Five Pacific COP26 political climate champions are helping to amplify our Pacific voice, leading high-level advocacy of our Pacific priorities at COP26.
- Climate Finance Champion – Hon. Mark Brown, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands.
- Oceans and the Climate Nexus Champion – Hon. Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Attorney-General, Minister for Economy, Civil Service, Communications and Climate Change for Fiji.
- Climate Ambition Champion – Hon. Bruce Bilimon, Minister of Health and Human Services for the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
- Loss and Damage Champion – Hon. Seve Paeniu, Minister of Finance for Tuvalu.
- Environmental Integrity Champion – Hon. Steven Victor, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment for the Republic of Palau.
Learn more about our Pacific High-Level Champions at COP26 - click on the image to download the factsheet.

Our Moana Blue Pacific @COP26 Side Events
The Moana Blue Pacific @COP26 is a partnership with Aotearoa New Zealand managed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
The following is the table of events to take place in the Moana Blue Pacific, in Hall 4, Hall 4, PV67, first pavilion when you enter from 4A - also available on zoom. Please note the zoom links shown before the event can be accessed by all. These will be replaced with links to the recording and the password after the event.
Our Moana Blue Pacific side events will be held in a shared pavilion that you can find here:
These side events can hold up to 35 people maximum, including the presenters. This is a quiet space in which headsets will be provided and people will be asked to observe the social distancing rules as applied at the SEC. The Orientations events team will clean all surface touchpoints between sessions.
To ensure that we have maximum reach, we will be making zoom facilities available so you can ‘log in’ to participate and view these events.
To learn more about the side events within the below schedule, we ask that you click on the links. Once the side event is complete, we will be uploading presentations, resources and the link to the recorded event for your access.
We request your support in complying with social distancing and the strict times allocated to the Pacific over the duration of COP26.
Please wear masks at all times when seated and only remove masks when presenting.
The Pacific is especially vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19 with many countries having little to no COVID-19 cases, we ask that you join us on the livestream if you are not feeling well on the day of the event.
Our team to support you at the Moana Blue Pacific side events are:
- Ms Teuila Fruean, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
- Ms Kayla Economou, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
- Mr Tavita Su’a, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
- Ms Lisa Williams, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
Moana Blue Pacific Office Space
The Moana Blue Pacific @COP26 is a partnership with Aotearoa New Zealand managed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).
Our Moana Blue Pacific Office Space is located in Hall 3:
Moana Blue Pacific Office Space Schedule
Please Read the Moana Blue Pacific Office Space Guidelines
The Moana Blue Pacific Office Space is a “home away from home” for our Pacific Island delegations at COP26, while it may be small in size, in true Pacific fashion it is big in heart.
Only a limited number of people can fit within this space, as directed by Orientation Events Limited, everyone must abide by the social distancing rules.
This Pacific Office Space is available for booking times for your Pacific focused meetings and it will have zoom capabilities via an available laptop. When it is not in use for meetings, this office will be open to Pacific Island delegates needing a quiet space to work on a “first in-first serve” basis.
Abiding by the COVID-19 Health and Safety guidelines of the Scottish Event Campus, there are some rules we ask that you follow to keep our Moana Blue Pacific Office, safe. You can read those here.
The Pacific Office Space is available for 50-minute booking sessions from 9am – 7pm allowing for 10 minutes in between each meeting so our team can wipe down all touchable surfaces. To access these booking spaces, please download our app. You can book sessions of up to 50 minutes at a time.
Our team to support you at the Moana Blue Pacific Office are:
- Ms Teuila Fruean, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
- Mr Tavita Su’a, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
- Ms Lisa Williams, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
Moana Blue Pacific @COP26 Meeting Room
The Moana Blue Pacific @COP26 is a partnership with Aotearoa New Zealand managed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).
Our Moana Blue Pacific Meeting Room is located in Hall 3
Moana Blue Pacific Meeting Room Schedule
Please Read the Moana Blue Pacific Meeting Room Guidelines
As we do with our Pacific Ocean, our Moana Blue Pacific Meeting Room is a space we share with Aotearoa New Zealand. This is our corner of the SEC in Glasgow whereby we can host meetings in our Pacific style.
This space contains a table and will have zoom facilities, we can host a limited number of people within this space, as directed by Orientation Events Limited. Everyone must abide by the social distancing rules.
This Moana Blue Pacific Meeting room is available for booking times for our Pacific and Aotearoa New Zealand delegates to coordinate.
Abiding by the COVID-19 Health and Safety guidelines of the Scottish Event Campus, there are some rules we ask that you follow to keep our Moana Blue Pacific Office, safe. You can read those here.
When it is not in use for meetings, this office will be open to Pacific Island and Aotearoa New Zealand delegates needing a quiet space to work on a “first in-first serve” basis.
The Moana Blue Pacific meeting room is available for 50-minute booking sessions from 9am – 7pm allowing for 10 minutes in between each meeting so our team can wipe down all touchable surfaces.
To access these booking spaces, you must download the Moana Blue Pacific App, if you are not able to, please visit the Moana Blue Pacific Office, or email moanabluepacific@gmail.com
When you book a meeting in this space, you and your delegates will be provided with a QR code. This must be scanned upon entrance.
Our team to support you at the Moana Blue Pacific Meeting Room are:
- Ms Teuila Fruean, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
- Mr Tavita Su’a, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
- Ms Lisa Williams, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
Mana Moana Pacific Voices
Our Pacific Island people are orators, we grew up in a culture of storytelling as our history was shared verbally from generation to generation across the oceans. Hear our Mana Moana Pacific Voices.
As we head into COP26 we are working with our Pacific Island artists to help tell our stories through the eloquence of poetry and art. We are bringing you a taste of our Pacific by sharing the words of our Orators in our true island style.
Our Ancestors Speak (9:46)
by Karlo ’Ulu’ave Mila
Island Speak Series:
‘Pe'e: Invocation to Tangaroa’ (2.56)
Composition of Pe'e (chant) and adaptation of song by Raemaki Karati
Performance by Raemaki Karati and Ngaire Karati
‘Calling Tangaroa’ (2.09)
Poetry written and performed by Lisa Leilani Williams
‘Praise Song For Oceania’ (1.08)
Poetry written and performed by Craig Perez (Guam)
‘What Does Hineari See?’ (1:30)
Poetry written and performed by Raihania Tipoki (Aotearoa)
‘I Am Sieni’ (2.23)
Poetry written and performed by Faumuina Felolini Maria Tafuna'i (Samoa)
‘Rest Now e Papatūānuku’ (2:22)
Poetry written and performed by Nadine Anne Hura (Aotearoa)
‘Water Remembers’ (1:26)
Poetry written and performed by Brandy Nalani McDougall (Hawaii)
‘Tau Tama Niue Ma Anoiha’ (0:59)
Poetry written and performed by Zora Felola Osikai Feilo (Niue)
Poetry written and performed by Sisilia Eteuati (Samoa/Aotearoa)
‘Protect Pacifica’ (0:34)
Poetry written and performed by Betty S Chapeau (PNG)
To learn more about our Mana Moana Pasifika stories please visit: https://www.manamoana.co.nz/pacificvoices
This initiative is supported by Aotearoa New Zealand and coordinated by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme with support from many Pacific islands people, organisations, communities who ask for you to Flex for 1.5.