Climate Science Information

18 March, 2025, Tarawa, Kiribati – With the bold theme “INFORM to ACT for IMPACT,” Mayors and Clerks from the Kiribati Group of islands attended the annual National Climate Outlook Forum in Antebuka, on the island of Tarawa. The event, funded under the European Union’s Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Applications (ClimSA) project provided the participants a crucial briefing on the latest climate and oceans forecast, enhancing their understanding of the services provided by the Kiribati Meteorological Services (KMS). 

Children on Kiritimati Atoll, Kiribati, play a game simulating what they would do when the next king tide comes. (Credit: PMallam/SPREP)

The Climate Outlook, Early Warning and Anticipatory Action forum jointly hosted by the KMS and the Kiribati National Disaster Management Office, which come under the authority of the Office of the Te Beretitenti, was well attended by representatives from the World Meteorological Organisation, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, International Federation of the Red Cross, heads of other development corporation agencies and the diplomatic corps.

In his opening address, His Excellency the President of the Republic of Kiribati, Taneti Mamau, said, “This year’s forum is particularly significant as it incorporates consultations on the Early Warning for All and Anticipatory Action initiative, aligning with the United Nations Secretary-General’s bold vision to ensure universal access to early warning systems by 2027. This initiative is also closely aligned with Pillar 2 of Kiribati’s Long-Term Vision (KV20), which prioritizes national safety and security—including the modernization of Kiribati Meteorological Services to mitigate the increasing threats posed by climate change and extreme weather events.”

“As many of you know, our Mayors play a pivotal leadership role at the island level, particularly as Chairs of the Island Disaster Committees. Given the weight of this responsibility, it is crucial that we work together to establish a robust, continuous platform for real-time updates on weather patterns, climate risks, and potential hazards. Their ability to make informed, proactive decisions is essential to enhancing resilience, reducing disaster risks, and safeguarding the well-being of our people,” said His Excellency Taneti Mamau.

Participants of the Kiribati National Climate Outlook Forum in Antebuka, Tarawa, Kiribati.


The National Climate Outlook Forum being held over two days is a key gathering for strengthening climate services to enable the people of Kiribati to deal with climate variability. 

Ofa Fa’anunu, representing the Climate Science and Information Programme at the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme explained “Climate variability is when climate conditions change in the short-to-medium term from the average climate or the climate we are used to.  Being able to deal with the effects of climate variability is a significant step to addressing climate change and ensuring that the people of Kiribati can safeguard the present and future existence of Kiribati as a sovereign nation and her people, culture, environment, development progress and aspirations in light of the impacts of climate change and related disaster risks.”

His Excellency the President acknowledged the support of the European Union. He said, “I wish to express a special gratitude to the European Union for the ClimSA project managed by SPREP for their willingness to support this Forum for the third consecutive year.”

“This annual platform is instrumental in ensuring that even the most remote communities receive the latest climate information, while also providing an avenue to assess how climate adaptation investments are translating into meaningful impacts at both national and island levels. We deeply appreciate your unwavering commitment and look forward to strengthening our collaboration in future forums,” His Excellency added. 

Implemented by SPREP, the EUR 9 million ClimSA project is dedicated to enhancing the production, accessibility, and application of science-based climate information to empower decision-makers. By providing innovative and collaborative solutions, this initiative will help manage climate-related risks and drive sustainable development across the Pacific.

For more information, contact:
Patricia Mallam, Knowledge Broker – Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Applications Programme, SPREP
Email: patriciam@sprep.org