Climate Change Resilience
SPREP, in partnership with GIZ, has recently commenced a pilot study to assess the capacity of Pacific Island countries to deal with loss and damage from the adverse impacts of climate change. A gap analysis is being conducted in Samoa, Kiribati and Vanuatu, , focusing on identifying the main issues with respect to loss and damage in these countries. It is hoped that the results of this work will then inform the development of a longer term programme of work, to build the capacity of the region to address loss and damage.

To lead this work, SPREP has recently appointed Ms Malia Talakai as the lead consultant. Ms Talakai is no stranger to the issue of Loss and Damage in the context of climate change, and most recently was the Lead negotiator on this issue for the Alliance of Small Island States.

Landslip in Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands. Photo: Carlo Iacovino/SPREP

Over the course of the next two months, Ms Talakai will be spending time in each of the project countries working closely with national counterparts to carry out national assessments.

The results of these will be shared with partner organisations, such as SPREP, GIZ and other regional agencies working on similar issues. A preliminary update will be made of the project, to the Pacific Climate Change Roundtable, to be held in Apia, Samoa from May 12 – 14th.

For more information on this project, please contact Diane McFadzien, Climate Change Adaptation Adviser on [email protected]