We have launched this e-toolkit resource to help empower our Pacific media to develop news stories about our Ocean.  This is a living e-toolkit which will have two new factsheets added each month on new and different topics related to the well-being of our ocean.  If there is an ocean topic you would like to see us develop a factsheet on to help you with your media work, please do let us know at sprep@sprep.org.

We would like to acknowledge the support which has helped establish and form this Ocean Toolkit from a range of different partners.  This includes the European Union's “Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environment Agreements in African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries Phase II Project” known as ACP MEA’s 2.  The Project is implemented by UN Environment with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) as the Pacific hub.  We also acknowledge the support from the New Zealand-Pacific Partnership on Ocean Acidification (PPOA) project supported by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the government of the Principality of Monaco.  Assistance was also provided by the Climate and Oceans Support Program in the Pacific (COSPPac), funded by the Australian Government and implemented by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology in partnership with 14 Pacific Islands Countries.