Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF)
Fisheries - Samoa - Upolu - Satalo, Falealili
Fishery management - Samoa - Upolu - Satalo, Falealili
Fishery policy - Samoa - Upolu - Satalo, Falealili
Fishing in Coastal Biodiversity is essential for food security , especially in the rural areas . In many communities , they do not value the management and the management of resources and the marine environment . Making and using such fishing styles in the stomach , nets and hurry microfilm would be easier and more fish but reduce the economic hazards. Some development projects have been damaged and destroyed many places and creatures of the sea such as: the buried part of the coastal areas and coastal areas for eleelefou ( field ) ; Fishing inappropriate as dynamite , to honor Guinea , chemicals and faamo'a / shots . excessive cut down trees along rivers and forests
Environment Report
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