Government of the Solomon Islands
Solid waste - Management - Solomon Islands - Oceania
Solid waste - Strategy - Solomon Islands - Oceania
Waste minimization - Solomon Islands - Oceania
Conservation of natural disposal in the ground - Solomon Islands - Oceania
Environmental Protection - Solomon Islands - Oceania
Hazardous waste disposal - Solomon Islands - Oceania
Effective solid waste management has been a major concern for Solomon Islands for a very long time and a number of attempts have been made to develop a National Solid Waste Management Strategy for the country. The concerns about waste have been raised by various stakeholders and community members in the city and the wider provinces. The generation and disposal of wastes has direct and indirect linkages to human welfare and economic development. For instance, potential for contamination of food supplies can have impacts on local markets or revenue from export crops. Moreover, there are numerous health and environmental hazards that arise when wastes are poorly managed and disposed.
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