forest carbon schemes to combat deforestation and forest degradation in Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea (PNG) could provide a suitable location for exploring early action in the field of carbon projects. The Prime Minister, Sir Michael Somare, has taken a global leadership role in promoting REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation), notably as cofounder and chair of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations, and promoting PNG as a venue for (REDD) trial projects. Moreover, virtually all forestlands in PNG are under customary land ownership, and, whilst this lack of State ownership and control is often viewed as problematic and obstructive to land-use planning and development, community ownership could be advantageous in securing long-term carbon storage through forest protection and facilitating equitable benefits to customary forest owners. Moreover, REDD in PNG offers the added value of conserving some of the most intact and biodiverse tropical forests remaining on the planet.
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