FFEM - Fonds Francais pour l Environnment Mondial
Marine protected areas - Oceania
Marine resources - Conservation - Oceania
Protected areas - Oceania
Protected areas - Management
Marine resource
Marine resource management
Marine resources - Pacific - Oceania
Protected areas
The sustainable financing of MPAs remains a major problem. Indeed once the projects have withdrawn, although many MPAs in place then crashed not becoming as AMP "paper" (example of Moheli in the Comoros). Gold funds from international or bilateral donors, like those of major NGO to finance the start of AMP and the investments they require (eg ships, buildings, demarcation buoys) fall within a period of intervention limited. These financings stop with the end of the projects, which often means a complete cessation of funding available, without that MPAs have robust solution to ensure a minimum operating costs. This does not mean there is no sustainable financing solution, but rather that projects often withdraw before they could firmly establish and professionalize sustainable funding mechanisms.
Cement Analysis Report
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