Natural disasters - Waste conditions - Samoa
Environment - Protection - Samoa
Natural disaster - Sewage conditions - Samoa
Tsunami - Wastes - Sewage conditions - Samoa
This report presents the findings of a preliminary survey initiated and conducted by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to assess the situation of the generated solid waste and the sewage conditions at the Aleipata and Lepa Districts following the tsunami which hit Samoa on Tuesday, 29th September 2009. The occurrence of the Tsunami event has resulted with the generation of large quantities of solid wastes deposited at 10 villages of the Aleipata and Lepa Districts. Wastes from fallen trees, damaged buildings and furniture as well as other destroyed properties were deposited along the coast towards 200m inland. The toilet facilities at these villages were all destroyed with the contents of most septic tanks being swept away by the waves leaving open ditches, while some partly damaged septic tanks still have active and unstable sludge. Samoa like most of the Pacific Islands does not have any special policy and strategy in place to provide a management framework to respond to such a situation. The findings of this preliminary survey are therefore very important in providing some baseline information and data to assist JICA in its post tsunami relief waste management works.
Survey Report
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