PILN Soundbites
December 2019 |
December 2018
December 2017
June 2016
January 2015 |
December 2014 |
October 2014
August 2014 |
Information about the PILN
- PILN Overview
- PILN Learning Exchanges Guideline
- PILN Field Trip Protocol
- PILN Powerpoint presentation
- Article in Pacific Magazine, March-April 2006
- Equipment and Suppliers Catalogue
- Lesson learned from the PILN pilot programme
- External review of PILN, June 2008
- Invasive Species Strategic Planning in the Pacific
- Guidelines for Invasive Species Management in the Pacific
- Directives relatives a la gestion des especes envahissantes dans le Pacifique
Invasive Species Databases
Links to general invasive species websites and information available via the new Pacific Invasive Species Battler Resource Base
Other Publications
- Investigating the role of Bats in emerging zoonoses - balancing ecology, conservation and public health interest (FAO Publication)
- Invasive pig cages (in French)
- Invasive pig snares (in French)
- Guidelines for Urban Rat Control
New: looking for a list of potential donors? Check out the CBD's donor descriptions here.
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Soundbite Archive
If you have suggestions for further links, please let the David Moverley PILN coordinator know.