These additional briefing options from other organisations might be useful. Please note that SPREP is not responsible for the content of external links.
Information Portals
Pacific Ocean Portal – COSPPac, Australia Bureau of Meterology
Pacific Climate Change Portal
Pacific Islands Protected Areas Portal
Smithsonian Ocean Portal
TST Issues Brief: Ocean & Seas (6 pg)
UN DESA Policy Briefs
UN DESA Working Paper 149 Mapping the linkages between oceans and other Sustainable Development Goals: A preliminary exploration
DESA working paper no. 141: Towards integration at last? The sustainable development goals as a network of targets; (19 pg)
Towards Integrated Implementation: Tools for Understanding Linkages and Developing Strategies for Policy Coherence
Sustainable development issues briefs – UN
Climate and Ocean e.g. Adaptation around the world
Climate Analytics: Climate impacts at 1.5°C and 2°C: A Pacific perspective
GRDC How the Oceans Influence Climate (1993)
Nereus (Nippon Foundation, UBC, Duke) briefings:
Climate Change in Oceans Beyond National Jurisdictions
Coastal Fisheries and Climate Change 2012
Pacific Island fisheries and climate change. 2014
Oceanographic characterisation of the Pacific Ocean and potential impact of climate variability on tuna stocks and their fisheries. 2014
Australian Government: PACCSAP programme
Climate variability and climate change in the western tropical Pacific
Climate extremes in the western tropical Pacific
Large-scale climate features in the western tropical Pacific
Ocean acidification in the western tropical Pacific
Sea-level rise in the western tropical Pacific
International Atomic Energy Agency pages on Ocean Acidification, including:
20 facts on ocean acidification (OCB, OA-ICC, UKOA, NOAA, Sea Grant)
Hot, Sour & Breathless - Ocean under stress
Ocean acidification: Connecting science, industry, policy and public - Movie (PML, NERC, UKOA)
Intertwined ocean and climate: implications for international climate negotiations 2015.
IDDRI, IAEA, and partners.
Ocean-Based Food Security Threatened in a High CO2 World Oceana. 2012. [This brief includes a table ranking vulnerability to combined CC and ocean acidification, where Pacific island states are present throughout the list.]
Economics of ocean acidification. CSM, IAEA. 2013.
Oceana: Ocean-Based Food Security Threatened in a High CO2 World
Science Media Center: Briefing notes on climate science and climate change
UN 2010 Ocean and climate change
World Bank Group: El Niño Briefing Note
Pollution & Debris
Biodegradable Plastics & Marine Litter: Misconceptions, concerns and impacts. UN Environment
Plastics in Cosmetics: Are we polluting the environment through our personal care? UN Environment
Mercury: Albatross survival seriously threatened by mercury and other pollutants 1 page
Sources to Seafood: Mercury Pollution in the Marine Environment, 2 p
Ocean Biodiversity Conservation
Nereus (Nippon Foundation, UBC, Duke) policy briefings:
Slavery fisheries and Japanese seafood consumption
Space for conservation and sustainable use: area-based management in areas beyond national jurisdiction
A review of the impacts of fisheries on open-ocean ecosystems
SeaWeb briefings: such as Harmful algal blooms
Coral Reefs:
Bleaching note with images from Coral Watch
Article summaries:
Mangrove ecosystem services and payments for blue carbon in Solomon Islands. CGIAR
PacificInvasives Initiative; Invasive Species and Food Security in the Pacific, 2 p – SDG2; SDG14.2
Ramsar, all STRP outputs here including:
The benefits of wetland restoration; 20 p
Wetlands: a global disappearing act, 2 p
Coral reefs: Critical wetlands in severe danger, 2 p
State of the World’s Wetlands and their Services to People: A compilation of recent analyses, 20 p
Knowledge & Management
Nereus (Nippon Foundation, UBC, Duke) policy briefings:
Adjacency: How legal precedent, ecological connectivity, and Traditional Knowledge inform our understanding of proximity
Space for conservation and sustainable use: area-based management in areas beyond national jurisdiction
A review of the impacts of fisheries on open-ocean ecosystems
Satellite tracking to monitor area-based management tools & identify governance gaps in fisheries beyond national jurisdiction
Open Data: enabling conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction
Technology Transfer(UNCLOS XIV)
Martin A. 2016. Fish poo and the climate challenge. The Marine Biologist April 2016:20–23
Pauly: Shifting Baselines: Daniel Pauly TED talk, written transcript
Science Media Centre:
Underwater Cultural Heritage in Oceania. 111 p
US National MPA Center. Do “no-take” marine reserves benefit adjacent fisheries? 3 pages
Economic Opportunity
Atlas of Ocean Wealth. The Nature Conservancy
CBD Biodiversity in Good Company info modules for businesses
Economic value of the Pacific Ocean to the Pacific Island Countries and Territories. IUCN. Gland. 75 p
Green Economy in a Blue World.2 p. UNEA
Green Economy in a Blue World: Synthesis report. 24 p. UNEP, FAO, IMO, UNDP, IUCN, World Fish Center, GRIDArendal. 2012
Blue Economy for Business in East Asia: Towards an Integrated Understanding of Blue Economy. PEMSEA,
Environmental valuation in the Pacific: a snapshot. SPC, RESCCUE
Ocean-Based Food Security Threatened in a High CO2 World Oceana. 2012.
International Atomic Energy Agency:
Ocean-Based Food Security Threatened in a High CO2 World Oceana. 2012
Economics of ocean acidification. CSM, IAEA. 2013
Marine renewable energy:
IRENA paper:
ICE Briefing sheet (7 p):
Marine minerals:
Drivers for the development of deep sea minerals in the Pacific. Mineral Policy Institute, IHC Mining. 40 p
An assessment of the costs and benefits of mining deepsea minerals in the Pacific island region. Pacific Community (SPC).
University of Edinburgh, Benelex blog: Benefit sharing and marine scientific research and The transfer of marine technology as benefit-sharing