South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency
Overview of the Fiji economy; fisheries development in Fiji; review of tuna resources; review of tuna markets; Fiji pole and line fishery; purse seine fishing; review of ika corporation; implementation options
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41084
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
Contents: 1. Introduction, 1. background, 1. terms of reference, 2. study methodology, 3. report limitations, 3. conclusions, 6. recommendations, 8. overview of the Fiji economy, 8. introduction, 9. economic development objectives, 14. the fisheries sector, 16. other real sectors of the economy, 19. fisheries development in Fiji, 19. introduction, 19. objectives, 21. commercial fisheries development, 29. plans for further development, 42. review of tuna resources, 42. introduction, 43. skipjack resources, 50. yellowfin resources, 53. other tuna resources, 53. baitfish resources, 54. conclusions, 61. review of tuna markets, 61. the international tuna trade, 65. international price movements, 70. tuna markets for Fiji, 79. the long term forecast, 80. Fiji pole and line fishery, 80. introduction, 80. the pole and line fleet, 80. pole and line tuna catches, 80. vessel performance, 81. ika corporation development plans, 81. the fiji baitfishery, 82. conclusions on pole and line fishery, 82. the private pole and line vessel experience in Fiji, 83. general comments on pole and line method, 89. purse seine fishing, 89. introduction, 89. purse seining, 90. purse seine vessels, 92. nets, machinery, auxiliary equipment, 96. fish aggregation devices, 97. fishing operations, 106. purse seine fishing in Fiji, 112. conclusions, 116. review of ika corporation, 116. introduction, 116. factors beyond direct control, 118. potential improvement areas, 119. cost cutting measures, 120. a commercial approach, 123. implementation options, 123. introduction, 123. project description, 126, a new fishery and technology, 127. organisational and management options, 129. the joint venture option, Appendix 132. list of persons consulted
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