United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
PACC project - Official document
Pacific island countries are already experiencing the impacts of climate change. The potential magnitude of the problem threatens the very existence of some Pacific island states, and the achievement of sustainable development and Millennium Development Goals. However, vulnerabilities and risks associated with climate change are not currently being addressed in any systematic way. Climate change risks and opportunities are not reflected in national and community level planning and governance processes. Individual, institutional and systemic capacity is not targeted towards strategic interventions. Demonstrations of adaptation pilots in key development sectors have not been implemented, and as a consequence few are replicated and scaled-up. The PACC Project aims to significantly improve the effectiveness of the response to climate change in the Pacific. The project will improve technical capacities to support appropriate adaptation centric policies, demonstrate cost-effective adaptation techniques in key sectors, and promote regional cooperation. It is designed to lay the framework for effective and efficient future investment on climate change adaptation in the Pacific.
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