Japan international cooperation agency
Implementation of the survey, Objectives of the survey, survey results
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41072
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
Contents: s-1. objectives of the survey, s-1. implementation of the survey, s-3. results of survey, s-14. Development options for offshore fisheries resources in Fiji and Tuvalu, SURVEY PROGRAM AND RESULTS 1. Background and objectives of the survey, IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SURVEY 5. survey areas, 5. survey methods, 5. pole-and-line, 7. trolling, 7. surface gillnet, 8. bottom line, 9. drop line, 10. survey vessel, 11. base ports, 11. joint committee, 11. process of the survey, 12. period and contents of the survey, 14. survey schedule, 14. others, SURVEY RESULTS 17. experimental fishing, 17. pole-and-line fishery and live bait fishing, 48. trolling, 56. surface gillnet, 63. bottom line fishing, 75. seamount survey, 79. oceanography, 82. payao depolyment, 84. desposition of catches, DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS FOR OFFSHORE FISHERIES RESOURCES IN FIJI AND TUVALU 87. suitable fishing methods, 97. resource potential, 105. handling and disposal of catches, Annex 1. member list for the fisheries resources survey in Fiji and Tuvalu, Annex 2. references, Annex 3. photograph of the survey
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