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Japanese Technical Cooperation Project for Promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management in Pacific Island Countries, Phase III
IPLA | 2011
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Waste Management and Pollution Control
Award of Contract
Award of Contracts
Available Tenders
Award of Contract
Tender Archive
2024/052: Establishment of Agroforestry Demonstration Plots in the Tagabe and Lenakel Project Sites, Vanuatu
Award of Contract
(168.62 KB)
2024/034: NZ MFAT funded Loss and Damage Capacity and Capability Project National Coordinator – Cook Islands
Award of Contract
(173.24 KB)
2024/049: Consultancy services to implement the Local Management Approaches for the MACBLUE project in Papua New Guinea
Award of Contract
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2024/PCCC/006: Short-term Consultancy to Review and Refine the Pacific Climate Change Center Strategy and Business Plan
Award of Contract
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2024/050: Consultancy services to implement the Local Management Approaches for the MACBLUE project in Malaita Province, Solomon Islands
Award of Contract
(164.54 KB)
2024/047: Enhancing Livelihoods and Market Access for Barana Community Women under PEBACC+ Initiative
Award of Contract
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2024/048: Consultancy services to implement the Local Management Approaches for the MAC-BLUE project in Rewa, Fiji
Award of Contract
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2024/051: Consultancy services to implement the Local Management Approaches for the MAC-BLUE project in Efate, Vanuatu
Award of Contract
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2024/057: Procurement of two new vehicles for SPREP
Award of Contract
(161.81 KB)
2024/PBS/008: Review of the Regional Environmental Indicators for State of the Environment Reporting and other environmental reporting requirements of the Pacific Island Countries ( Service based Consultancy) ( Act1.3.2)
Award of Contract
(184.03 KB)
2024/045: Building and contents insurance cover for SPREP and the Pacific Climate Change Centre
Award of Contract
(174.2 KB)
2024/026: Communications Consultant for the Climate Information Services for Resilient Development Planning in Vanuatu (VanKIRAP)
Award of Contract
(161.12 KB)
2024/POLP/007: Coastal Monitoring of Single-Use Plastic Litter
Award of Contract
(232.53 KB)
2024/PCCC/004: The Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) Climate Finance and Project Design Experts Consultancy.
Award of Contract
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2024/PWP-228-CON: Contract for Services – Development and subsequent awareness/outreach of a regional position paper (report) on proper and safe disposal and landfilling of asbestos contaminated materials on Pacific islands
Award of Contract
(634.7 KB)
2024/033: Project Coordinator, Climate and Biodiversity Smart Marine Spatial Planning and Marine Protection Project (PC - CaB Smart MSP)
Award of Contract
(174.62 KB)
2024/032: Navua Catchment Ecosystem-based Adaptation Ridge to Reef Native Forest Community Nurseries
Award of Contract
(163.24 KB)
2024/PWP/297: Contract for Goods and Services - Supply and delivery of an industrial baler/compactor and associated infrastructure to process household recyclable items in Funafuti, Tuvalu
Award of Contract
(637.19 KB)
2024/PWP/133: Contract for Services - Support the trailling of the disaster waste practitioners' guideline
Award of Contract
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2024/PWP/196: Contract for Goods and Services - Supply and delivery of a briquetting press, cardboard shredder and associated infrastructure to Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands
Award of Contract
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2024/PWP/210: Contract for Goods and Services - Supply and delivery cardboard collection cages to Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands
Award of Contract
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2024/PWP/292: Contract for Services - Review of the Palau solid waste management strategy 2017-2026 and drafting of an integrated solid and hazardous waste management strategy for Palau
Award of Contract
(638.33 KB)
2024/018ReAd: Consultancy services to redevelop community awareness material on Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific, READVERTISEMENT
Award of Contract
(180.19 KB)
2024/005: Consultancy to Formulate the Pacific Islands Guide to Ecosystem and Socio-economic Resilience Analysis and Mapping (ESRAM)
Award of Contract
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2024/PWP/258: Contract for Services - Install and commission a healthcare incinerator at Tungaru Central Hospital, Tarawa, Kiribati
Award of Contract
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2024/PWP/298, Contract for Services - PacWastePlus Communications / Design Support
Award of Contract
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2024/PWP/282: Contract for Services – Supply and delivery of a towable mobile chipping unit for Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia
Award of Contract
(635.69 KB)
2024/PWP/102: Contract for Services – Construction and project oversight of 25 compost stations in Fiji
Award of Contract
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2024/PWP/277: Contract for Goods and Services - Procure, install and commission a healthcare incinerator at the Aimeliik Landfill, Palau
Award of Contract
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2024/PWP/189: Contract for Services - Construction of communal organic compost stations for Rumuu and Tenfar villages, Yap, Federated States of Micronesia
Award of Contract
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