The UN Joint Programme Building Forward Better by Safeguarding Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services (hereafter, UNJP on Ecosystem Services), will support develop policy and planning, collection of data and valuation of ecosystem services to support development of scenarios for future, reporting against SDGs 11-15, and build a case for investment in ecosystem services given their centrality to human wellbeing, which are critical for the realization of the SDGs 1 to 3.
The UNJP on Ecosystem Services will make a contribution to the:
- UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), specifically, actions 6-92
- Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), specifically, societal goals 5-63 and research and development goal 74.
These contributions would be made using participative and gender, age and disability transformative process that would bring together scientists, policy makers, administrators, and service users for the restoration of the terrestrial and ocean ecosystems of Samoa and its valuation, in particular, involving women and youth.