SPREP will consider, respond promptly and impartially to a complaint lodged by an unsuccessful bidder under the Procurement Policy and Procedures Manual. The complaint will be received in good faith and will be dealt with in a way that does not prejudice the complainant's ongoing or future participation in procurement or affect any rights of the complainant.

The complaint will need to be in writing and lodged with the Director General, within 10 working days of the award of the contract notice being published. The formal complaint should outline the name of the tender and the details of the complaint.

The complaint when received will be referred to the Internal Auditor who will record the complaint and acknowledge its receipt within 3 working days. The Internal Auditor will investigate the complaint and where necessary convene a Procurement Complaints Committee to preside over the complaint.
The Procurement Complaints Committee will consist of 3 persons and will be made up of the following:

  1. Internal Auditor (Chairperson)
  2. A Director previously uninvolved in the tender process
  3. Legal Adviser

The Complaints Committee/Internal Auditor will provide a report to the Director General on its investigation with an outcome within 10 working days of convening the investigation. The Internal Auditor (IA) will submit a response to the complainant and copy the Director General and the Complaints Committee on the outcome of the complaint.

Email directly to the Office of the Internal Auditor at SPREP at: fraud@sprep.org