At SPREP we value the Pacific environment and communities we work in and with. We strive to maximise environmental and social benefits through our projects but also aim to ensure that we avoid or minimise any negative impacts that could potentially occur through the work that we do.
Our Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) and Gender Policy helps SPREP manage environmental and social risks and impacts that might arise through the projects that we manage.
The purpose of the ESMS is to ensure that we avoid or minimize any potential negative impacts of our work while also looking to maximise benefits.
The ESMS includes:
- An Environmental and Social Safeguard Policy
- Environmental and Social Standards
- Screening, Assessment and Review Procedures
- A Grievance Mechanism
Our Gender Policy reinforces SPREP’s commitment to gender equality and the empowerment of women, recognizing the importance of both men and women being equally involved in the planning and management of the environment and its natural resources at all levels. The policy establishes a framework and operating principles, and outlines priority areas of action.
SPREP’s Environmental and Social standards have been developed to meet the intent of the 2012 International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards while being flexible enough to meet donor specific requirements as might be needed.