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Job Vacancy Archives

Manager, Pacific Climate Change Center (MPCCC)
For Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI)

This job exists to:

Provide strategic leadership and management of the PCCC.

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Application Form (122 KB) , Job Description_ English Version (525.51 KB) , Job Description_French Version (575.98 KB)
Due date:
Finance Officer, Projects
For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only

This job exists to:

  • Provide project assistance and support in the management and implementation of the SWAP Project
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Application Form (123.5 KB) , Job Description (512.31 KB)
Due date:
Project Support Officer, SWAP
For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only

This job exists to:

  • Provide project assistance and support in the management and implementation of the SWAP Project
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Application Form (125 KB) , Job Description (502.18 KB)
Due date:
Technical Waste Project Coordinator, SWAP
For Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI)

This job exists to:

  • Provide technical advice and coordination to the SWAP Project Management Unit and participating Countries
  • Implement agreed SWAP activities
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Application Form (125.5 KB) , Job Description (509.95 KB) , Job Description_French Version (592 KB)
Due date:
Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Officer, Pacific Ocean Litter Project - CANCELLED
For Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI)

This job exists to

  • Develop and deliver project visibility for the Pacific Ocean Litter Project
  • Successfully develop and implement a regional Communication and Engagement Strategy to support the Project


Closing date for applications has been extended to 15 May 2020

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Application Form (125 KB) , Job Description_ English Version (472.16 KB) , Job Description_French Version (622.25 KB)
Due date:
Senior Project Officer – Pacific Ocean Litter Project CANCELLED
For Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI)

This job exists to

  • Provide financial and procurement services and support as part of the Pacific Ocean Litter Project team;
  • Assist with the management and implementation of project activities.


Closing date for applications has been extended to 15 May 2020

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Application Form (126 KB) , Job Description_English Version (474.69 KB) , Job Description_French Version (623.3 KB)
Due date:
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Pacific Ocean Litter Project - CANCELLED
For Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI)

This job exists to

  • Operationalise the Monitoring Evaluation Reporting and Learning Plan.
  • Lead the implementation of monitoring, evaluation and reporting upon activities against the Project’s Outcomes Framework and Annual Workplans;


Closing date for applications has been extended to 15 May 2020

Download attachments
Application Form (122.5 KB) , Job Description_ English Version (479.6 KB) , Job Description_French Version (625.04 KB)
Due date:
3R+Return Technical Assistant for J-PRISM II (Japanese Technical Cooperation Project for Promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management in Pacific Island Countries, Phase II) by JICA
For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only


Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)


J-PRISM II (Japanese Technical Cooperation Project for Promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management in Pacific Island Countries, Phase II) by JICA

This job exists to


1st April 2020 -31st March 2021 with probation period.

The contract may be renewed for another period until 31st January 2022.

Due Date

11th March 2020


For your application and/or further enquiries, please email [email protected] and [email protected]


(Please DO NOT contact the HR Team of SPREP)

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Download Terms of Reference (176.67 KB) , Download Application Form (104 KB)
Due date:
Human Resources Officer

Provide advice, guidance, services and support on Human Resources policies, issues and procedures.

Download attachments
Job Description.pdf (336.1 KB) , Application Form_0.doc (123 KB)
Due date:
Turtle Database and Conservation Officer
For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only

This job exists to:

  • Support the delivery of KRA 5 of the PEUMP Programme and other SPREP initiatives in relation to promoting the turtle monitoring and conservation.
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Download Job Description (505.83 KB) , Download Application Form (122.5 KB)
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