Climate Change Resilience
By Ms. Makereta Komai of PACNEWS

21 July, 2015, Nuku’alofa, Tonga, PMC-3 - Cook Islands Meteorological Service, operating under the Ministry of Transport is striving to provide robust and sustainable weather information services to the people of Cook Islands.

And, the head of the Met Service, Arona Ngari shared with his colleagues from around the Pacific region that despite the fact that Cook Islands has been free of cyclone since 2010, his office needs to strengthen and improve its communications and early warning system.

“We need a good and robust early warning system in place,” said Ngari.

Mr. Arona Ngari, Met Director of the Cook Islands

Another area the Cook Islands Met Service is in need of support is on how to respond to the El Nino that is now predicted for most of the Pacific island countries.

“Now that we know it is happening, we can create better awareness for our people in Cook Islands.”

Ngari said a book has been launched in Cook Islands that detailed stories of survivors of Cyclone Matini November 1997.

“In that cyclone, 19 lives were lost, ten were found and nine remained missing. “The book tells the stories of a remote community in Manihiki and what they went through to survive the devastation of cyclone Matini, said Ngari.

The book, “Matini, the story of Cyclone Martin” is authored by former Cook Islands journalist, Rachel Reeves.- #PacMC2015

Ms. Makereta Komai is the Manager and Editor of PACNEWS -

This article was developed by a Pacific Media Team of Reporters currently providing coverage on the Third Pacific Meteorological Council in Tonga.  This activity coordinated by SPREP is supported by a partnership including the Government of Tonga, SPREP, Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (PACMAS).