EU-SPREP Joint Press Release
On Friday 17 May 2013, Andrew Jacobs, Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the European Union for the Pacific, and David Sheppard, Director-General of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), signed the PACWASTE Contribution agreement, for a value of €7.85 million. The PACWASTE programme will help improve the management of hazardous wastes, focussing on priority electronic and medical wastes as well as asbestos waste. Better management of waste on atolls will also be a project priority.
"I am particularly pleased to sign a Contribution Agreement of €7.85 million with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) for the PACWASTE regional programme. This will support the efforts by Pacific island states to manage their hazardous waste effectively," said Ambassador Jacobs. "This programme is another good example of regional cooperation. It ensures the implementation of a common strategy, the exchange of best practices and the application of cost effective solutions. It will establish a network of Pacific waste recyclers and ensure that the best solutions for hazardous and solid waste are assessed, prioritised, and implemented in the region."
A Pacific Regional Solid Waste Management Strategy (2010-2015) has been previously endorsed by PACP countries. The strategy covers management of domestic, commercial and industrial waste and it outlines the key priority areas to be addressed to improve waste management systems in the Pacific.
The Programme will support this regional solid waste strategy and will assist the 15 PACP countries to continue to adopt cost effective and self-sustaining waste management systems to protect public health and the environment. PACWASTE will be entrusted to SPREP which is implementing the regional strategy to improve the solid waste management systems in the Pacific. This is critical to the region as poor waste management has a negative impact on the region's environment as well as on public health and key economic sectors such as fisheries, agriculture and tourism.
The Regional Strategy Paper and Regional Indicative Programme provide thebasis for the strategic priorities of the 10th EDF (European Development Fund) regional cooperation in favour of the Pacific Region. Under the second focal area, it is intended to manage the natural resources and the environment in a sustainable way. The 10th EDF response strategy addresses the challenges of the PACP in the context of the Pacific plan and the EU strategy for a strengthened Partnership with the Pacific ACP, adopted in 2006. These two projects contribute to the objectives of the 10th EDF Regional Indicative Programme (RIP) for the Pacific Region namely: the strengthening of economic integration and of the sustainable management of natural resources and the environment. The 10th EDF RIP has a total envelope of €114 million.