Climate Change Resilience
Fiji, Chairing a G77 Coordination meeting

18 November, UNFCCC, Warsaw Poland - Fiji has risen to the challenge this year having stepped into a crucial role as Chair of a group of over 130 nations under the United Nations system known as the G77 and China.

Established in 1964 by the signing of 77 countries of the Joint Declaration of the Seventy-Seven Countries, the Chair acts as spokesperson in the six different committees of the United Nations.

The Chair of the G77 is the Prime Minister of Fiji H.E Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama, in New York it is H.E Ambassador Peter Thomson, Permanent Representative of Fiji to the United Nations. Fiji has an office of three staff who have provided support over this year.

"Fiji has tried our best to ensure that the G77 unity is maintained and protected as I think that is where the strength of the group lies. We have a diversity of interests in the G77 and differences in terms of economic development so we bring them all together and speak on their behalf," said Sai Navoti, the Councillor and team leader for G77.

"It is a big responsibility and we need to have an excellent team for this. Fiji can't be seen as lagging behind in terms of the quality of service provided to the Group. We have tried our best and have received commendation for this."

The six committess for the UN are; Disarmament and International Security Committee; Economic and Financial Committee; Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee; Special Political and Decolonisation Committee; Administrative and Budgetary Committee and; Legal Committee.

The G77 also act as a negotiating bloc at the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework to Convention on Climate Change.

Here in Warsaw, Poland, the G77 and China have a wide range of key issues which include Finance, Loss and Damage, Adaptation, Transfer of Technology.

G773L - R Krishneil Narayan Fiji, Ana Tiraa Cook Islands, Sai Navoti Fiji, Albert Williams Vanuatu

Now heading towards the end of their Chairmanship, Fiji has learnt valuable lessons in this process.

"If there are lessons to be learnt from this, I think we should never shy away from holding international responsibilities just because we are small islands. We have people who can do any role anywhere in the world, good people in our own region and countries," said Navoti.

"We may find it challenging in terms of the volume of work, but we as small islands, can do this."

Fiji's chairmanship of the G77 and China comes to an end in several months time. Other Pacific island members of the G77 include Kiribati, Marshall Islands, FSM, Nauru, PNG, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga Vanuatu.

Fiji is the first Pacific island to hold the Chairmanship since 1970.