Island and Ocean Ecosystems

9NCPA web
Photo courtesy of the Fiji Ministry of Information: L - R Stuart Chape of SPREP, Mr. Jope Davetanivalu - Fiji Department of Environment

Fiji will host the 9th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas this December, the theme of which is Natural Solutions in a Changing Pacific.

Coordinated in partnership with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and the Pacific Roundtable for Nature Conservation, this is the largest conservation-focused meeting in the Pacific and will bring together participants from many countries and interests, ranging from scientists, to politicians and community leaders.

"Protecting Pacific biodiversity and the ecosystems that support the livelihoods of communities and the national development aspirations of island countries has become more urgent as the region faces the prospect of major environmental change resulting from climate change and other pressures," said Mr. Stuart Chape, the Director of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management at SPREP.

"The 9th nature conservation and protected areas conference to be held in Fiji 2-6 December this year is part of an ongoing process to develop and make relevant the region's conservation agenda that started in 1975."

One of the key objectives of the conference is the evaluation of the Pacific Action Strategy for Nature Conservation 2008 – 2012 and to forge a path forward for the next plan of action.

A 2012 Budget allocation of F$200,000 from the Fiji Government will assist in preparations to host this most significant conference in the Pacific.

Highlighting the importance of issues to be discussed at the conference, Department of Environment director, Mr Jope Davetanivalu said Fiji had existing environmental laws at national level that would be reviewed through the progress of programmes.

"We need to review the mangrove, bird and wildlife and forests conservations action plans which are built in the National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan," Mr Davetanivalu said.

"One area the department focuses on is the progress on awareness, for instance, most villages in the province of Macuata have restricted areas of fishing."

Marine and mangrove protected areas have been identified and endorsed by traditional leaders within Macuata.

Mr Davetanivalu said one of the positives on awareness programmes was work the department and other stakeholders had worked on to conserve our natural reserves.

Since its first convening in 1975 the conference has been held every 4 to 5 years throughout the region, growing in participation each time.

International Union for Conservation of Nature Oceania Director, Mr Taholo Kami said climate change reminded humanity that we had overstepped our boundaries.

"This regional conference will assist Pacific islanders to adopt natural solutions in combating the effects of climate change and learn to protect our environment," Mr Kami said.

"We need to assist our communities to promote the protection of ecosystems and adaptation methods in combating climate change."

- Natural Solutions: building resilience for a changing Pacific – SPREP Release/Fiji Ministry of Information

"The 9th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas will be held at the University of the South Pacific, Laucala Campus, Suva, Fiji from 2 to 6 December, 2013. For registration and for more information please contact Neil Walkinshaw at [email protected]."