Island and Ocean Ecosystems

World Water Day 22 March 2012

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) coordinates implementation of the regional marine species programme which focuses on three groups of marine species, with marine turtles being one of them.

A regional action plan is in place for each of the three groups; Dugongs, Marine Turtles, and Whales and Dolphins. The action plans highlight priority areas and action to guide conservation work on these species in the region.

One of the key themes in all the regional marine species action plans, and also key to the conservation of the species, is Habitat Protection. This includes establishment of marine/species sanctuaries and marine protected areas. The ecosystem-based approach to conservation of marine species is vitally important.

"We are extremely pleased that the importance of Marine Protected Areas to marine turtles is highlighted in this study by an international team of scientists," said Mr. Lui Bell, SPREP's Marine Species Adviser.

turtletaggingA satellite-tagged green turtle nester during the survey in the Ringgold Islands, Fiji

The Pacific region has several Marine Protected Areas including the Phoenix Island Protected Area, the largest UNESCO World Heritage Site on Earth. Another outstanding conservation initiative is the Micronesia Challenge. This reflects a commitment by leaders within Micronesia to conserve 30% of near-shore marine resources and 20% of the terrestrial resources across Micronesia by 2020.

In addition the Cook Islands are working to designate approximately one million km2 into a marine protected area this year. In addition to MPAs, several Pacific Island countries and territories have declared marine and cetacean sanctuaries either covering their whole Exclusive Economic Zones or specific sites, some of which include marine turtles.

"The Pacific region has excellent examples of Marine Protected Areas, knowing that the MPA's help to conserve our marine species will encourage and inspire us to do more."

The Marine Species Action Plan 2008 – 2012 is currently being reviewed. To read the current plan visit:

The below article titled "Marine Protected Areas are keeping turtles safe" is from Eureka Alert!

Marine Protected Areas are keeping turtles safe

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are providing sea turtles with an ideal habitat for foraging and may be keeping them safe from the threats of fishing. A study by an international team of scientists led by the University of Exeter, published today (Thursday 15 March), shows that 35 per cent of the world's green turtles are found within MPAs. This is much higher that would be expected as only a small proportion of shallow oceans are designated as MPAs...

To read the entire article, visit